*Note to all: We are not in Bucharest. we are in Sighisoara, just the computer won't let us tell you that. *
Halfway Day -Part 1 10:53
So. We decided it would be far too simple and straightforward to take the trains we had tickets fro going to Sighisoara. Therefore, once in Medias, half way there, we hopped on the right train going the absolutely wrong direction - in order to distance ourselves from our destination - entirely logical, you do agree?
Yes, well. Such a decision leads us now to our present location. Where is that? Very good question- we will tell you as soon as a good enough map becomes available to us. For your information - Blaj is the name you are going to have to google to find us. When we get found - we will let you know more.
Part 2 - 11:01
Still in Blaj - Bored as hell, train in 2 hours. Oh dear. Sighisoara arrival time 14:35, original arrival time...10:35. Yes. Very good.
Part 3 - 19:05
Arrival uneventful. Sighisoara: small, simple, hot as ice in summer. Hot being 33 C- humid. Mountains, forests - planning some excursions tomorrow if some Romanian Lei come our way and we don't melt away. Still no pictures - our "hostel" being a hybrid hotel-hostel - bridal suite accommodation extravaganza a la tacky gawd-awful pinkishness.
More to come.
T and D
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