Hi thanks for your text - hope the elephants were amazing. Have you seen Wills and Harry yet? 4
Come on chaps... Where is all the blogs, messages, pictures for us all to amuse ourselves. Hope life is magical were eva you may currently be all those miles away.
Kiss kiss
Just a quick message to let you know I've transferred the money from your account to Daniel's and left you with £200 in your account. Hope you are well and enjoying South Africa!
Love and Hugs
Sarah And Adam
OK, enough of this travelling malarkey. Hurry up and come to Australia. Hurry, hurry! The weather's beautiful, the beers are cold, and we had our first summer swim in the ocean this week. Have a wonderful time exploring, we can't wait to have you both here soon.
Lots of love
Sarah and Adam xx
Tom's right, the weather's brilliant really... ahem. You both left just as Neighbours started to get brilliant. When you're in Melbourne, you can give Kirsten and Ned a slap for me.. please? I shall email you a full update, just so you don't have to go completely cold turkey for Neighbours withdrawl.
Did my "drink red wine" idea for remedying flight nerves work? I hope so. Well, I hope you at least tested the theory anyway.
Hope you're both having a lovely time!
Hugs and (maybe not) kisses,
Rach xo
Who is this Tom and where is my ten pounds...
Well im glad your trip has come so quickly mine feels like an eternity away. Ive been using this site for my friend katie and its so good except i got withdrawl symptons when they went to Fiji and had no internet connection so i expect better from you!
Grillz and i booked all are final dates a few days ago along with insurance etc and it got us all excited already. Im starting to like this tom and agree with your slightly selfish behaviour, climbing table mountain - thanks mum - instead of blogging it up and therefore request that your first blog is dedicated to us!
Just realised the question is Who's is the mystery mum, Mummy D or Mummy P?
Lots of love from Pasta Hut!
x x x x x x
Waddup? How's the world, then?
Hope your flight was alright and that plenty of the free booze was consumed! I am surprised to see that your first priority wasn't to post on your blog. Tut tut, stop enjoying the varied and beautiful scenery and get back in front of a computer screen!
P.S. Mum's lying about the weather here, the instant you left it became hot and sunny AND the government gave everyone in the country ten pounds cash.
Hi and good morning from damp chilly Britain. Congratulations on managing to arrive safely and presumably complete with your luggage. Hope the flight wasn't too bad. We thought about you all day yesterday climbing Table Mountain with so little sleep - hope you managed to have a rest before you started. Still I expect the views were worth it and by now you will have had a good nights rest and forgotten the flight!?
Erica's house seems to be going through and they had a good meeting with the financial man yesterday. She has to instruct Allen andHarris to take it off the market today! She could move in about 8-10 weeks time. What will I do then?
Talk to you soon - this is a great idea! Looking forward to seeing some pictures.
Hey guys! hope you have a fantastic time! cnt wait to hear all of the gossip from around the world!
am muchos in need of entertainment these days so want loads of pics to spy on - i expect you both to be full on papparazzis by the time you come home!
Happy travelling!!
(o my gosh this thing makes u do maths before you send a message - how mean! thank god i got 1+1 thats about the only maths i do know!) lol
Halloo this is a really good idea! make sure you keep it updated! hope your excited and have a great time