Hope you enjoyed Fraser Island and didn't get too eaten by sandflies. Safe travels on to Thailand - hopefully the weather there will be more conducive to lounging on a beach- enjoy! We have 38 degrees forecast in Sydney tomorrow so the sunshine must have followed us down from Noosa.
Have a wonderful last ten days of hols, give us a wave on your way through Sydney later today.
Mum Maggie
Happy New Year to all of you over there and thanks for your messages. We (Dad and I) have done the New Years Day sponsored walk for Christian Aid this morning - a brisk 7 (or possibly 8) mile walk over Boars Hill and back stopping for refreshments at a house on Boars Hill on the way. It was very cold - just above freezing but with some beautiful white frosty trees in the woods. Ok Ok nothing to compare with sun sea and crocs but it's the best we can do.
I got talking to a couple who had been stuck in Bangkok during the recent uprising - it was very costly as they had to stay for a extra week and pay for several extra flights to get out. Thailand still seems to be rather wobbly so perhaps you should look at the Foreign Office travel advice before you go there?
Can't wait to have you home again and inspect the tans!
Take care and hope the flights go well.
Lots of love Mumxxxxxxx
Mum Maggie
Happy Boxing Day Morning. I've just looked at your Christmas Day photos - very different from here, although it seems the aussies haven't managed to invent a cracker hat that stays on your head Philippa! It was lovely to talk to you yesterday and hear what you'd been up to and as for that pool well there are no words!!!!!!!
Christmas here followed it's usual pattern. We had special fun trying to fit evryone in round the table and have now perfected the art of eating in unison - load forks - lift - lower - load again and so on. Left handers were at a definate disadvantage! I apparently over catered on the veg front - clearly counting someone who wasn't here! Poor Erica it'll be sprout soup for quite a while I'm afraid.
After lunch we opened the usual vast amount of presents, this year at breakneck speed thanks to Miles who was the Christmas Fairy and handing them out. Then we went to Granny's for tea and more presents. Miles did amazingly well on just one 10 minute nap and provided quality entertainment all day.
Hope you have fun meeting up with Zane.
Looking forward to the next batch of photos.
Steph Gilks
Hi Philippa and Daniel
I'm Phillipa's dad's cousin, originally from near High Wycombe & now living west of Christchurch in NZ. Just received Xmas newsletter from Bradshaws with your contact details. Sorry you've already been to NZ. We were hoping we might meet up with you! Glad you enjoyed it. It's the best place in the world, we think!
Enjoy the rest of your trip.
Merry Christmas from Steph & Robin
Hello hello! Hope you're both having a lovely time still! It certainly looks like it from the photos! Have a lovely Christmas and New Year.. just promise you won't brag about it toooo much ;0) The inevitable NYE "discussions" have started already - you're not missing much! Looking forward to seeing you when you get back. This lovely climate will ensure you lose your tans after about a week, so I won't stay jealous for too long! x
Exams Team
Merry Christmas Dan & Philippa from the Exams Team. Dan, please call us when you return, we need you back!! xx
Philippa, if you see Lucas/Fitzy on the Neighbours tour, tell them that Libby isn't good enough for either of them. They should pick me.
Thanks xo
Dad (G)
What a fantatic range of experiences you are having. Photos give us a good idea of how much you must be enjoying it all. How will you cope when you come back home???
Really looking forward to seeing you - not long now.
We have Ekyemisana's launch at the House of Commons this afternoon and we have 2 Ugandans staying with us who have come over for this event. They go on Saturday and then WE start packing!
All our love
Mum & Dad xx
Tom And Renée
Hi guys,
Very nice pics (especially the mating one)! Did you enjoy you're last days in South Africa? We liked the South Coast very much (I did the bungee). We hope you 're enjoying New Zealand. We are very jealous! Here in the Netherlands it is already snowing a lot...
Tom and Renée
Hi there!
Fantastic photos. Zorbing looks so much fun. Perhaps I should get Adam one for Christmas; that should keep him happy for the next 20 years ;) I think you might be up Franz Joseph now... isn't it spectacular?!
We're just back from a great trip to Perth and now gearing up for Christmas. It still feels insane to have I'm dreaming of a white christmas' blasting out of the radio here (dream on, Bing), but I'm feeling quite festive this year. Ad says I have to wait for you and P to put up any decorations, so you'll be relieved to hear, Daniel, that we can decorate the tree (harmoniously!) together again... might have to hide the tinsel ;)
Give us a call from Melbourne when you know your plans. Safe travels, looking forward to seeing you both in a couple of weeks!
John Fane
Yes Zorbing! Amazing! Looks like you are having a truly wonderful time out in NZ, so jealous! I don't know if you're in Queenstown yet, but if/when you get there you've got to try a Furgburger! Just ask everyone will know, and they're amazing! Loving your photos they're wicked, Fane
D's Mum
Hi you 2,
Again great photos! I had to smile when I saw you "zorbing" Daniel. You must have been in your element. Somewhat more exciting than the plastic sheet and the Fairy liquid in the back garden!! It all looks both interesting and also such fun. I hope it is continuing that way. We have been busy choosing new sofa covers as dad's recliner has developed a big hole! We are off to 2 art exhibitions in London tomorrow and on to stay the night with Liz and Jim. Snow and sleet is forecast for Sat night! Can't believe we leave chilly England in less than 3 weeks and soon be seeing you all.