Hello from the Exams Team! We are following your journey too and have put some of the photo's up on the noticeboard to make us jealous as we start stuffing results letters and filing scripts... wish you were here Dan! It all looks wonderful - have fun and travel safe xx
Those pictures are amazing! It appears you two are having toooo much fun compared to the rest of us. Have a little bit of fun for me Philippa!
Inexpicable jealousy right there. Be careful not to run down any hobbits xo
Philippa's Dad
Wow, thanks for the New Zealand messages and pix. What a fantastic place to botanize, and geologize! I think, in upside-down land, South Island may be cooler than North. More like Scotland than Bournemouth. Hope on. . . & drive safely! News. Allegedly, Man U beat, er, some other team (?) 5 - nil on Sat. Some people went to see it, I think. It's been raining in Honduras since 20 October, and many people have to wade through smelly water all the time. And a white and tortoise-shell moggy was found on a tiny ledge underneath a train carriage that had travelled 100 miles from Teesside to Carlisle. (Probably feeling like you did on a plane?) xxxx:-D
P's Mum
Just looked at your latest pictures and am beginning to understand why everyone raves about New Zealand - especially on yet another dreary overcast day here! Your car does indeed look very girlie - is it big enough for Daniel's long legs? Are you managing to find accommodation each night?
Can't wait to see pictures of the glacier!
Lots of Love Mum XXXXXXX
D's Mum
Hi you 2,
Just a quickie to say I hope your New Zealand travels are going well. Looking forward to seeing the next set of photos. Your itinery shows a very busy time in NZ. In an article about NZ in my Good Housekeeping (!) they said you must visit Lake Taupu, and I see you are and Coromandel Peninsula and Whangamata for boogie boarding and then various things to see in Aukland. The journalist didn't want to come home! Take care and safe driving.
Mum xx
Grant Warburton
Wow! Looks like you two are already having a really great time! I cant even begin to tell you how jealous I am. I have had a browse through the pictures and read the blogs and i just wish i was there. For the mean time i will have to make do with sunny (cough cough) old England. I cant say you are missing too much at the moment. Try to stay away from the Premier Leagus table if you can though as Bolton are losing more than they are winning at the moment. Saying that, it's not so bad for Villa. They are doing well for once! Hope you dont get bored anytime soon and hope everything goes really well for you! Good luck with the rest of your travels pal! G
Kruger National Park doesn't look like it's a patch on Cotswold Wildlife Park - they don't even have a little train!! OK, that's not my real reaction. It was more like this wide-eyed face thing:
The best bit was the birds mating on a hippo's back! Again, there was much immature giggling from me at this, and you get a special gold star for including a photo of something doing something else in every photo set so far. This last one has really raised the bar though, so you'll have to make a special effort to perv- I mean observe the next.. um.. event. I hope neither of your mums read that.
As you have no doubt been out of touch, here is a news summary:
Barack O'bama (there's no one more Irish) becomes US President-Elect!
UK Government cuts interest rate as economy continues steady decline towards inevitable oblivion!
Pub dog must wear high-vis vest! http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/wales/north_east/7720192.stm
I think that's everything covered. See you next time!
Cool photos! Glad you're having a wonderful time. Thanks very much for Miles' cool present, he had a lovely birthday with many, many presents (most with wheels, which will not surprise you!) Good luck for the flight tomorrow and have fun in NZ,
Sarah & Adam
Hi there
Great photos! Love the dung beetle... is he one of the big 5?!! We're just back from a fun weekend on the south coast, looking forward to our Noosa get-away already! Have a wonderful time in the land of the long white cloud... what a shame we won't be able to see you at the airport on your way through, but only a couple of weeks to go now. Adam has just bought two boogie boards, Daniel and is looking forward to having someone to play with!! Lots of love, S&Axx P.S. If you're twiddling your thumbs at Sydney airport tomorrow, feel free to give us a call reverse charges (02 99733850).
Philippa's Dad
Great pictures - we can almost feel the baby rhinos nuzzling your trainers. Thanks for the updates - hope they don't hold you up from enjoying yourselves tooooo much :-) hehehe! It's just like you're here - well, almost. Missing you both, really. I'm keeping busy laying a nice, snake-and-scorpion proof laminate floor in the attic, at last. Perhaps I ought to instal some rickety outside steps . . .
Good luck for the journey tomorrow (Monday) xxxxxxx
Mum And Erica
Wow, wow and WOW! Very cool pictures! It all looks amazing - you look like you're having a fabulous time - though now it's time to move on - safe flights, we'll be thinking about you. Matt's just got back from LA, ready for Miles' birthday tomorrow (don't worry I'll give him your present). We've just been to a very wet fireworks display - but your sunset photos beats them hands down!