Our final stop in Mexico before Cancun was the wonderful town of Merida. It's a relatively big place with the typical colourful Mexican houses. Our main mission here however was so visit the Cenotes!! These are underground pools of water which you can swim in- yup pretty much we were going to be Alice climbing down into under ground wonderlands.
We contemplated doing tours however the evening previous to going we met 'The A's' - 3 classic Ozzy lads who's names all begin with A (of course the Kiwis found the Ozzys). They had read a blog and told us they found a way to get to these Seontes via horse and carriage like a proper fairy tale. Naturally we jumped at this idea and informed them we shall join (lucky them). That night we went out and got well and truly bolloxed on cheep Mexican Tequila- while in Rome n all that.
Needless to say we woke up the next day feeling like death. Yet we pulled our selves together like the true yolo legends we are and set off on this magical fairy tale tour. It was so magical until we had to wait on a boiling hot 'bus' for an hour before setting off. Then it turned much less magical when I was so hungover I was sick in a bag. Of course it was a non waterproof bag which leaked all over my tie dye dress. A random girl saw my dismay and passed me a plastic bag to pop my sick in and we were sorted. I stank of sick in a tie dye dress and Jessica was laughing so hard she nearly pissed herself. #Foreverglam. #Forevergorj.
After a small bus journey for about an hour we were told to get off the bus and we hopped into some tuk tuks. After a bumpy ride we arrived at the site of the Senotes. We expected horse drawn carriages down down a grassy track with Prince Charming. However what we got was far more authentic (and realistic). We hopped on little carts on an old mining rail way and were pulled along by a galloping horse. It was hilarious yet slightly terrifying. We were flying through the jungle in old mining carts just like in a video game. Even my boobs where shaking and I don't have any boobs!! I felt like Jordan or something!The 'driver' couldn't speak English but we soon figured out when he shouted words at us it meant hold on as out of nowhere we would be flung round a corner at top speed. At one point we even derailed the cart but it was all good, the driver just popped us back on track and off we went again. After around an hour of clinging on we arrived at the first Cenote.
It was more beautiful then anything I could have ever pictured. From the path it looked like a random hole by a tree but as we climbed down the stairs and eyes adjusted I was speechless. The clearest and most still water I had ever seen with patches of crystal blue appearing where beams of sunlight had made it through the cracks above and into the underground swimming oasis. We jumped straight in and the hangover/ sick was instantly washed away. Huge vines were hanging down through the entrance into the water but apart from that there was no greenery, just dark cave encasing the magical oasis below. It was so tranquil until the A's started doing flips n shiz with their thick accents- bloody Ozzys.
After half an hour we hopped back on our carts to the next Cenote. The entrance to the one was literally a hole in the ground about 1.5 meters in diameter. So down we went descending the wooden ladder into the darkness below. Once our eyes adjusted to the darkness all you could see was the outline of the cave and the beams of sun that managed to creep through the ground above had a beautiful spotlight effect making areas of the water light up the most beautiful terquois colour in the darkness. Was water was beautiful to swim in and we sat in the semi darkness judging the A's on there salmon dives and belly flops - bliss.
Onto the third, final and most incredible hole. This was the senote which made me feel like real life Alice (yes this is a goal). The hole to climb down was again around 1.5 meters in diameter but it was amongst a mass of tree roots at the base of a huge tree in the jungle. Down the rabbit hole we climbed and ended up in a huge cave!!! There was no day light in this one, we were too far under. A few lights lit the way through the rocks, stalagmites and speleothems, leading to a pool of water that was so still and clear creating a crazy reflection that you almost couldn't tell it was water. We swam down the channel between the rocks and jumped down from various heights. I felt like Alice but also like Smegal (although he probz has more hair than me) using my lanky limbs to crawl around the caves.
After climbing back up to the daylight we went back on our trusty cart and sped back along the tracks to the tut tut. After making it back to the city with no sick we got some amazing Mexican grub and went to be by 8. The yolo life.
It was a magical day of feeling like we were in a video game. Whizzing though the jungle with the butterfly's on the noisiest and most random form of transport, climbing down holes to undergoing swimming caves and listening to Ozzys shouting every swear word under the sun to really add the he magic- bloody Oszy.
Our next stop will be Cancun but we are being fancy b****es and staying in an all inclusive so I won't bore you all with how I felt like Beyoncé for a week. See you all in Colombia.
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