After the wake up call from brother Chris Peter and I attended Divine Liturgy in the church here at St Nicolas monastery. I must say ive never seen a better Church. We also received andidoro and got to venerate the working miracle icon of the root of Jesse. It smelt like Murr. We also venerated the skull relic of St Nicholas the new which also smelt like murr. We also venerated the hand relic of St Prodromos. The skull relic is only opened for verating a few times a year so i felt it was a real privaledge to be part of the congregation of this Divine Liyurgy. For me that service was very fullfilling. Afterwards elder Theo Doro invited us to have coffee and koulouria. We also met a 40 year old Priest monk Father Bonefart. After breakfast Peter and I volunteered to help brother Chris to sweep clean a nearby the birth of Panagia church .
The rest of the day was spent in leisure, we slept in the afternoon, attended evening vesper service and afterwards watched the elder and brother Chris in the textiles room; they were dressing a Slovenian gospel.
We ate late.
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