Happy Christmas from down under everyone!
Its 30 degrees, spending the day eating christmas food, chilling by the pool, beers and BBQ. Of course at the Browns house with Elaine, Fred, Caroline, Deb, Stace, Nick, Daniel and Moss (dog). looking forward to it but its gonna feel abit strange.
Back on rotto the last two weeks have been a bit of a rollarcoaster - Cam has quit which hannah, luke, Danni and I were all really bummed about as he is such an awsome bloke. but hes coming back for new year which is good! Luke got mild sun stoke, weve had mad drunken nights of stealing bikes at 3am, surfing down the porch steps on an old ironing board, sneaking hannah and luke the back way into the pub to get past the bodyguards, skins marathon evenings with Elise & Renee, Riding round rotto exploring the various and beautiful beaches around the island (yes its means doing some exercise and hopping on a bike to get there!lol) Waterfights in the dishpit at work but other than that its been pretty chilled.
Plans after new year as yet are that Hannah, luke, Cam and I are going to go on a roadtrip down south through the south west area of WA stopping at bunbury, busselton, augusta, margaret river, esperance, albuany, valley of the giants etc for about a week to 10 days just camping, fishing, driving the ute and going wherever so im pretty excited about it so fingers crossed!
Hope all is well at home and have a lovey christmas! love you all xxxxxx
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