Claire's latest entry
Christchurch, New Zealand
Hello all, sorry we have been a bit lax with the blog since New year. We left Akaroa on New Year's Day and headed to Christchurch, over the hills just 85km away. Christchurch is still going through extensive rebuilding after the series of earthquakes from september 2010. From what we could see, the west of the city looks pretty normal but t…
The Workers Hi Both Last day YES!!!!! Hope you have a great Christmas and New Year. from The workers and a happy Sue
re: Following the Buller riverThe Workers Hi Both Enjoying your blog, had a lovely lunch yesterday but missed your company. Are you deciding whether or not to come back!! from The Workers
re: Following the Buller rivercranderson Vicki said something very similar!! Lots of very exciting wildlife here - still not seen a kiwi yet though. Hoping to see fur seals this week . . Xx
re: Pipitea, New ZealandThe Welch family Sounds like a wonderful adventure so far - Peter expects a full illustrated bird and wildlife report when you get back :) Bethan and Carrie are very excited about you taking them on the same tour next year.
re: Pipitea, New Zealand