Ok, so we got up bright and early for our trip to Fraser island and were allocated our groups...I was in a group with myself and 5 girls. The weird thing was that 3 of them were friends and were on the same magnetic island trip as us with and got the scooters at the same time as us. The other girl was the dutch girl we had met so was all good. We got shown to our 4x4s and loaded up our food etc. One of the girls started the drive and we drove to the beach and drove on the sand to get the ferry across. Fraser island is the biggest sand island in the world! We got there and it was sooo bumpy and sandy! We drove to lake mckenzie for a swim and it was so cold and overcast but what the hell, you have to go in! Then it was my turn to drive and it was f*cking awesome! I drove through the jungle off road trying not to get stuck.. loved it! There were 4 cars total, the 1st being driven by our tour guide Brendan (yes our guide on Fraser was called Brendan. The more astute of you will notice the irony with the actor Brendan Fraser).
We headed down 75 mile beach to our camp site and it started pissing down with rain. There were about 100 different people there from various groups all trying to cook under one roof. Mayhem rings a bell. So it was raining so much that we just opened the 4.4 litre box of red goon and started drinking! We all got wasted. Most notably Ruairidh (pronounced Rory) and Joe. Rory was out for the count at about ten and we found him passed out on the floor. Joe thought it was a good idea to run off into the wild dingo infested jungle to find the beach and me and johnny tried to follow but we lost him. We followed tracks in the sand that hadn't been touched yet and they disappeared at some bushes. We looked for him for ages but gave up as we couldn't find him and were both drunk. Me and johnny went round the campsite taking photos of people passed out covered in puke etc before making sure they were alive and helping them into a tent. Our favourite was this guy who we found feet in tent, half out on the floor holding his toothbrush! He didn't quite make it to the bathroom! Emilie reminded me the next day of how I fell through a bench and collapsed on our tent. Slept in our tent before waking up wondering why my feet were wet. It hadn't stopped raining and it was so bad that it had seeped into the tent. My hoody/pillow was drenched. Not the nicest sleep. I needed a piss and was not going to walk through the monsoon to the block so pissed by the tent.
The nxt day we woke up and put wet clothes on. Nice. We drove to eli creek where we walked to the top of this stream and floated down to the bottom. It was lush and the water was warm. Tried to dry off with a wet towel but didn't quite work. We then headed to champagne falls and Indian head for more swimming. We found this sand dune which we all climbed and me and johnny fetched the esky lids to slide down. We had head first races which I won! There is a video! The rain had stopped so that night was more enjoyable at camp. There was action when two people were getting it on about ten metres from the food place and this girl out of nowhere came and rugby tackled the other girl and was beating her...turns out it was her bf she was getting it on with! Silly silly guy! Once the lights went off a few of us went to the beach where we convinced Rory to strip to his boxers and go into the shark infested, wave crashing sea.
The next day we went to another lake for a swim and more sand boarding before taking the ferry back to rainbow beach where I had the nicest warm shower ever and actually got clean and dry! We went out for food that night and partied for a while.
The next day we woke up and got the coach to Noosa! For some reason me and Emilie set off to do the national park walk of 5.5k back to our hotel and didn't set off til 5pm. It got dark so quickly and we didn't see people for a while and ended up walking briskly to get out. It was relief once we did. Silly.
Next day we spent on the beach and went to the cinema at night to watch harry potter.
We were only supposed to stay in Noosa for one night but it was so nice that we stayed 3. On our 3rd day we got up and rented mountain bikes and cycled 40k through forests, mud, up hills etc. Emilie fell into the mud which I missed but couldn't stop laughing when she was covered in mud! That night we watched a film called the ugly truth with some Irish girls.
This morning we woke up ay 7ish to catch the 8:10 coach to Brisbane which is where we are heading now! I spoke to parents on Skype this morning too which was nice.
I'll blog again after Brisbane probably. Not sure how long we're staying yet.
Hope all is good!
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