Saturday night was 80's night in Side Bar (under our hostel).. we have 3 new roomates all from Norwich, Laura, Sarah and Cesca! We got ready and went downstairs to meet Michael Gibbs - yes typical Lisa can't go to Oz and stay in a hostel where she doesn't know anyone.. yup! Lisa knows michael from years ago. Guess who he was chatting to -----Crazy Kate from our hostel in know the one who got chucked out for being slightly too tipsy! teehee.. small world eh?
Anyway, much fun was had and we didnt get back until late due to our little detour to Kings idea what possessed us but we made friends with an Irish guy who gave us his passport to look after for a while and another guy who went to Holmer Green Upper school called Greg! random i know!...they were staying in a hostel called 'cooees' hmmm it was very cheap and for what we were paying at 'wake-up' we could have a double room but hey! some people have standards.. well in other words we like our beds to be clean!
The next morning we exchanged stories with the Norwich gals..made our way to Paddy's market for some much needed fruit and veg and cooked up a treat of stirfry vegetables and rice! yum yum..!!! That evening we went to this place called 'Govindas' with the Norwich gals which is an indian restaurant with a cinema upstairs.. so for $25 you can sit at the all you can eat indian buffet and then go upstairs to watch a movie.. But whats different is that you lie down to watch the film. We took our fluffy socks along to get cosy!. The time that we went they were showing 'Sweeny Todd' hmmm not much to say about that apart from it was slightly odd.! The experience was great and we had a lovely evening! JOANNNNNNNNNNAAAAA!!
We decided to go to Manly beach on the ferry the following day.. by the time we got to the harbour it was chucking it down with rain and there was no point in going to the beach. We walked to the Sydney Opera House and had a brief look inside. The rest of the day was spent in the MCA art gallery having a free tour looking at Fiona Hall's work, shopping unsuccessfully and writing the previous blog!
Oh dear, Tuesday was our last day in Sydney as we were spending Weds and Thurs at the Blue Mountains..! We desperately wanted to go on a ferry but would the weather hold off - yeah right!! so we made our way to the harbour with hope of the dark clouds luck so we booked a buy one get one free 'Jetboating' tour around Sydney Harbour! Well, we havent laughed so much in our lives!! for 45 mins we were in hysterics.. For a start it was raining so we had our macks on but the funniest thing of all was an Indian couple who had blantently NOT realised what this boat was about!! We assume they expected the Captain Cook tour of the harbour..instead they were hanging on for dear life as we did doughnuts around the harbour and fast speed turns! While 2 English girls very close to wet themselves at their expense! hahahha seriously it was hilarious to watch them..
After our 45 min world wind tour of the harbour with our stomachs aching it was time to climb the lookout tower on the Harbour Bridge.. (we got the tickets free with our bridge climb) .. Luckily the cloud had lifted SLIGHTLY! so we managed to get a few pictures. Then we made our way back to the hostel to do our washing for the 2 day trip to the mountains ... nothing like leaving it to the last minute.. of course..!
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