I woke up in my new room and everyone had already showered and went out for the day. I loved when this happened because I could turn on my iPod and fill the room with any music I liked. I hit play and took a shower. This shower was the best one so far. The first room had no hot water and the door was jammed. It only opened a crack so you had to squeeze yourself through a small opening. The hostel with the young boys was hot but had a low flow. This shower was perfect. I heard a knock on my door when I was brushing my hair, it was Lu. Her and Lisa were waiting for me to explore Rome for one last day. We made our way to the metro and Lisa filled us in on her night. She had went out to the club with Jessica and kissed a guy. We laughed and begged for all the details. It's funny when you travel with people how close you feel to them in such a short time. I felt like I had known Lisa forever. She was having such a great experience on her trip so far and I was happy for her. I know her divorce is not easy but she's very brave to pack up and find herself in Europe. She quit her job and is going to travel for the next two months on her own. Lisa is a very funny person with one liners that always make me laugh. She appreciates the little things and she appreciated Luciana and I's friendship. I think that's what she truly needed from the experience. She's taken care of her husband and her kids for so long and now this was her time.
We reached the metro and made a game plan. Lisa had not yet seen the Trevi fountain and I had messed up my wish so was onboard to give it another whirl. We got off at the Spanish steps first and got croissants. The pastries in Italy, no matter what you get is so extremely good. I may have to do lots of exercise when I get home, but it will all be worth it. We took pictures and walked a few blocks to the Trevi fountain. I sat on the edge with my back now facing the fountain. I recited my wish for the second time and tossed the coin over my shoulder.
Now it was time for Lisa to head to Barcelona so we had to say our goodbyes. It was easy for me because Lisa gave me her hostel information in Spain and I would be flying out the next day. But this would be goodbye for Lu and Lisa. Lisa began to cry and thanked Luciana for everything. They hugged and wished each other luck. Each of us were in search of something on this trip and we were getting closer to finding it through each other. The bond we shared and the laughs we had was special. The three of us would always have Rome.
Lu and I sat at the Trevi and mapped out the rest of our day. Shopping was first on the list. We both were dying to take back some clothes from Italy. Then we would have lunch and split ways. She still wanted to see a museum and apparently I had missed the one thing you must do in Rome. I had toured The Vatican but had not gone all the way up to The Cupola. You can take the elevator or the steps all the way to the top. It has the best view of all of Rome.
We headed down the street in search of some Italian clothes. All the shops were now closed. We had forgot that most close down for lunch so we would have to walk around until they reopened. We made our way to vendors who sold dresses and tops on racks right on the street. They had no mirrors so a dress that I liked, Lu would try on for me so I could decide if It was cute. Then she handed me the dress she wanted to try on and I would model it for her. This was so fun and I loved the fact that even though I was in a different country I was still doing things I would do if I were back home. Shopping and then grabbing lunch with a friend, none of my friends are Chilean, but the point was, I was adapting to life in Italy easily. Finally the shops opened from lunch and we went into a shop that had very beautiful clothes. We bought matching trench coats. My jacket was cream and Lu bought a black one. We would remember out shopping spree every time we wore them back at home.
We sat down on a patio and ate lunch together. I had the lasagna and Lu ordered pizza. We talked about so many things at lunch and I was truly grateful for my new friend. She is so inspiring to be around and I loved her outlook in life. You don't expect to find someone who you can connect with on so many levels and have the same passion for life. Luciana was a gift.
We wrapped up lunch and went our separate ways. Lu proposed to meet back at the gelato shop in between a park in two hours. She said if either of us wasn't done exploring, not to rush back. We would just travel back to the metro alone but in the event we are finished touring then to meet back and return to the hostel together.
I went on to see the finest view in all of Rome. It was different being alone for the first time in a while but I didn't mind it. I reached the gate, went through security and then came to the entrance of St Peters Basilica. The security guard shouted something at me and guided me to a line way from the entrance. I asked again what he had said and he shook his head. The girl in line reminded me that you have to have your shoulders and knees covered to enter St Peters.
I pulled my trench coat out of my bag and quickly got back in line. The same guard shook his head and pushed me back over to the side. He pointed to my knees, my shoulders were now covered but my knees were still exposed. I untied the small belt wrap on my linen skirt and tried to use it to cover my knees. Laughing at myself, I looked up and realized I was not the only one who found this funny. Two girls were watching me and did not think my solution would work. I walked back up and got denied again. Maybe I wouldn't be seeing the spectacular view after all.
I walked down the streets and did some more shopping. I was in search of a scarf to cover my legs. I got to a shop and the woman began helping me sort through scarves. She found this mission very funny and called her manager over to see he thought my trench coat in combination with the scarf around my legs would pass at The Cupola. He said if it did, that I must come back and tell them. They both cracked up laughing. I told them if not, at least I got a good scarf out of it.
I went through security again and then waited in line with the same guard. Right before it was my turn, I put on the trench coat over my sweaty body, the sun was beating down today. I wrapped my scarf around my knees and wobbled up to the guard like a mummy. This time I received the green light.
As soon as I turned the corner, I peeled my now sweaty coat off and threw both the coat and the scarf in my bag.
Now I reached a fork in the road. Do I pay the seven Euros and take the elevator to the top or do I pay five Euros and take the steps? I figured I had a lot of gelatos to work off so took all five hundred and fifty-one steps to the top. No one can possibly prepare you for the stairwell at The Cupola. Half way up, you think it's not that bad. You are led up a wide stone staircase. You begin breathing heavily and the traffic becomes more intense as the stairs grow narrower and narrower. All of a sudden, you reach a point where the wall starts slanting and the air becomes stuffy. I reached a break by a window and suddenly grew very claustrophobic. I'm in shape, but how do other people make it up this staircase of terror? The last stretch of stairs twisted all the way to the top and my shoulders were practically touching both walls beside me. Completely drenched in sweat, I reached the top- and it's true what they is the best view. The city was incredible to see from up top. I walked around and admired very angle. Rome had become one of my favorite cities. I wondered when the next time I came back would be. I stayed up there for a while and tried to figure out all the places I had walked in Rome.
It was approaching 4:30pm so I headed back to see if Lu would be waiting for me at the gelato stand. I made a quick stop to the scarf shop to let them know I made it in the Cupola. The manager laughed and thanked me for coming back. The girl had left for the day already but he would be sure to let her know.
I sat on the left side of the stand on a bench and waiting for Lu. A little past the time we agreed on, I stood up to catch the metro. Lu must still be touring. I went to cross the street but paused. What if Lu had been sitting on the right side of the sat and this whole time waiting for me? I turned back around and walked around to the other side only to see Lu sitting in the exact same spot as me, just the opposite side. I called her name and she popped up and joined me to the metro.
We talked about all the things we had seen that day and about my scarf ordeal. We decided on our plans for our last night in Rome. We had enough of pizza so agreed we would go back to our healthy roots and pick up salads tonight. We got back to the hostel to shower and change. I met my new two new roommates, Nat and Jules. They were two Australian girls. They were really sarcastic and warmed up to me instantly. I asked them if they wanted to join us on the rooftop terrace. They said they would meet us for a drink after Lu and I got back from the store. I showered, threw on a dress and Lu met me back at my room.
We walked across the street to a take out pizzeria and ordered caprese salads and a bottle of wine. The clerk asked where we were visiting from and I told him California and Chile. The two guys that had just walked in behind us, chimed in that they liked California. I turned around and to my surprise, was a little taken by this guy who was eavesdropping in our conversation. I suddenly didn't mind. He was tall and very good looking and had a innocent charm about him. He seemed American. I asked where they were from and they told us Canada. I told them I used to date a Canadian. They asked where he was from and when I answered Pembroke, the one said that's where he was from. This was such a small world because Pembroke has a very tiny population.
We chatted with the guys while we waited for salad and then the clerk handed us our bottle and to go bag. The Canadians asked where we were headed and we told them we were going to our terrace on the roof to eat and drink wine. They teased us about our high class evening and we said "Ciao."
When we reached the street, I turned to Lu and exclaimed, "What was I thinking? Why did we not invite them to the roof top?" That guy was so good looking and I was immediately drawn to him. Sometimes when you meet certain people, you have an instant connection. He was one of those people. Lu confirmed that I should go back and invite him. I turned around, walking toward the pizzeria and then stopped half way. What would that look like, it had been a few minutes. That would look "too much" I walked back to Lu and she had her hands in the air with an expression of "well?" I told her I didn't want to appear too eager. It was too bad, I missed my chance.
We went up to the rooftop to find Nat and Jules drinking Peronis and talking with some Americans. These two new girls were from San Francisco. We all talked about the experience of travel and how we were all at the perfect age to be doing this wild adventure.
After a few hours, the Australians left for the bar and Lu and I polished off our bottle of wine. It had hit us really hard and we hadn't even noticed. We looked up the alcohol percentage and it was much higher then what we are used to. We were now stretched out in the lawn chairs, drunk and talking about our dreams again.
After a while on the roof we decided to check out the hostel bar around the corner. Olivia, A girl from New Zealand recommended it. We met her drinking on the roof and she told us it was a fun spot. We went downstairs brushed the red wine off our lips and found are way over to Hostel Yellow. We ordered prosecco at the bar and toasted to our last night in Rome. It was a great ending for an unbelievable trip. We walked with our cocktails into the main bar and Olivia ran up to us. She said she wanted to introduce us to her friends. She led us over to a table where the Canadians were sitting. They looked up at us and we all smiled. Olivia went to introduce us and we told her we've already met. The one I liked, now formally introduced himself to me. His name is Shawn and he is from Toronto. Rory was his friend from Pembroke. Shawn moved a seat for me to sit by him and we talked the entire night. He was also twenty-eight years old and was on a life changing trip. He had been let go when his company downsized so he decided to make a change. He sold all of his things, his car, everything and followed his dream to explore the world for a year. He had been traveling for the last three months and has seen so many different countries. I told him it sounds like him losing his job was the best thing that ever happened to him. He agreed.
We talked for a long time and it was beginning to get late. Lu was leaving in the morning for London so had to go to bed early. I grabbed my purse to follow and she put her hand up to stop me. She told me that Shawn was really into me and I should definitely stay. I must have been blind. I had no idea the guy I was so attracted to earlier, was now into me. I asked for her reassurance and she asked if I was crazy. She told me he asked me so many questions it was obvious we both liked each other. She told me I was staying and to have so much fun and winked at me.
Now it hit me, Luciana was really leaving. This was the end of our time together. I went back over to Shawn and told him I was walking Lu out. I walked her to the corner and thanked her for everything. I began crying, my emotions were uncontrollable. I loved every conversation, every laugh, every meal we shared together. She really was a blessing to meet and now I hated saying goodbye. She hugged me one more time and told me it wouldn't be long until she saw me in San Diego.
I turned back around to The bar and cried again in the street. I knew I was going into sit with a gorgeous guy but I was heart broken that my friend was leaving. I had no clue the people I would meet here, would have such an impact on me. I brushed my tears away and found my way back to Shawn. He noticed that I had been crying and thought it was cute. He told me he thought it was great that I had met such a good friend and asked me to start from the beginning on how we met. I began the story of our hostel and started to get teary again so I told him to distract me. I wanted to talk about something else- anything else. We laughed and he asked what was my favorite part of the Vatican. He would be going to tour in tomorrow. This was a great distraction, I told him about the scarf and the trench coat and the five hundred steps. He laughed the entire time through my story, and I was liking him more and more. He is a very genuine person, great sense of humor, just an all around perfect man to stumble upon in a pizzeria. We moved the party out on the patio and I sat next to a girl from Ireland who told me about her around the world trip she did last year. All of these people I was meeting were incredibly brave and inspiring. She quit her job and traveled alone to all the countries on her list. I was so moved by her.
Shawn made his way back over and sat next to me. I think Lu was right, I could see now my instincts from earlier today, were right. I don't know how that works, maybe it's a smile or chemistry. All I know is the minute he interrupted our conversation and I turned around to see him, I felt it.
We had a big table of ten people all sitting around, the waitress kept bringing trays of colorful shots and Shawn and I were in our own world talking. We talked until they shut down the patio so we walked back into the bar. Shawn bought me another drink and we sat off away from the group. Shawn leaned in and kissed me. It was a perfect kiss, I got butterflies.
It was getting later and later while we talked in this bar and we grew the courage to search for a new bar. Shawn took my hand and we walked down the streets of Rome. Shawn confessed that when he first saw me in the pizzeria he wanted to say something. He told Rory right as we were walking out that he regretted not asking us to come with them. He turned to go after me to invite us to join them, but was afraid it would be too forward, so lost the courage. How funny that we were experiencing the same thoughts and then backed down only to meet up again by chance? After walking around the block aimlessly, we returned to Yellow an hour later. It was getting late so late the sun was coming up. We had spent the entire night together. He kissed me over and over in front of my hostel and then I turned to go inside but we didn't want to part. We both were crazy about each other. That night, Shawn and I made love. I knew I was leaving the next day and we were living on the edge, we couldn't deny the feeling.
The next day Shawn, Rory and I ate together before my bus to the airport. We had made plans the night before to eat together before I left for Spain. Shawn met me ate my hostel and greeted me with a hug and a kiss. We walked over to eat and the girl from Ireland had just sat down to eat as well so we asked her to join us. The four of us did a recap of all the fun we had the night before. Shawn was still the incredibly sweet guy from the night before, I was happy to see him before I left. He told everyone the story I shared with him about the Vatican. As he told it and laughed at my ridiculous attempts to get in. I smiled and knew I met someone special. He not only listened to my story last night but the way he retold it showed me he really was the guy I thought he was.
After we ate, Shawn walked me back to my hostel to get my pack. He held my hand and carried my pack to the bus station to see me off. We stood at the station, kissed, hugged and kissed again. He didn't want me to go and I didn't either. He reminded me Canada is not too far from California but he was on this world trip and I knew it wasn't going to be anytime soon until we saw each other again. He asked me to meet him in whatever country he's in the next holiday I take. I told him that's definitely something I can consider. I had been talking to the girls about how this trip is addicting and that I wanted to take another one over new years. I told Shawn that the end of the year is when I probably would travel again. He told me he will be in Asia so that's where we'll meet again. He kissed me one last time and said goodbye.
I loaded my pack on the bus and climbed into my seat. I watched out the window as the bus led us out of Rome.
My first country is complete. Italy has truly been one of the most fascinating experiences in my life. In this short week, I toured all of Italy, established unforgettable friendships and made love. I never in my wildest dreams would have believed at 28 I would take the journey of a life time. This whole hostel experience opened my eyes to this secret world of adventurous, courageous, dreamers who bounce inspiring stories and powerful messages off one another. Every person I have come in contact with has left a footprint in my heart. I got exactly what I needed out of this trip to Italy. I found the easy track back to what I love most, travel and meeting new people. I was able to find myself again, be myself again and learned to put all the unimportant distractions in my life to rest. I learned to truly enjoy good company from people all over, Brazil, Chile, Germany, Australia, Mexico, Canada, Argentina, France, England, Korea and that even though we all come from different countries and different cultures, we all hold the same agenda. To make the most out of our lives and help each other make our dreams come true. I learned that this world is so much bigger than I could have possibly imagined. There are so many people that are willing to add beauty and kindness to your life if you allow them.
So here I am, on a flight to my next chapter... Spain. I have no idea what to expect after a week In Italy but I know that it will forever change me just like Italy has.
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