The next day I hit the snooze on my alarm so that I could sleep in. I had not got nearly enough rest. I rolled over and then opened my eyes to realize that at home, you can hit snooze, in Rome this is unacceptable. There is too much to see. I jumped out of bed, brushed my teeth, threw on a dress and rushed down stairs. The Aussies said to meet them at their hostel at 8:30am sharp to leave for The Vatican city. It was 8:10am. I shoved down a piece of toast and grabbed a caffé to go. I used the map to find my way back to Hotel Beautiful. I was getting much better at this. I arrived to their hostel without getting lost.
We toured the St. Peters Basilica, the Vatican Museum and the Sistine Chapel. We took the metro to the Spanish steps and then to Trevi Fountain. We got off the metro and arrived to a little fountain. Al three of us were puzzled. This is what everyone was all jazzed up about? Mitch pulled out his map and confirmed that this was in fact, not the fountain. It was a few blocks away.
Once we turned the last corner, I now saw the Trevi Fountain. There was no mistaking this one. It was the most extravagant fountain my eyes have ever laid eyes on. We laughed at the idea that we had mistaken the other little fountain for this. We joked if we had taken a picture by it and posted it on Facebook with the title Trevi. People would inform us that it was a far cry from The Trevi.
This was my favorite of all the stops today. I love the idea of making a wish and hoping it comes true. Surely if you throw a coin in a fountain in Rome you have a better shot of it coming true than if you drop one at Tower city in Cleveland.
I faced the fountain, closed my eyes, tossed my coin and smiled. This one was coming true.
I turned around and looked for Mitch. He was sitting with his back turned to the fountain, eyes closed and then tossed his coin over his shoulder. I scanned the entire area and now saw that every person had the back to the fountain while making their wish. I managed to screw up my wish! I hit Mitch in the shoulder and asked him why he didn't share with me this important memo. He thought it was common knowledge. Well, maybe mine will be the one that comes true because it's unlike everyone else's.
We stopped at a shop to eat and I got a Panini. At the first bite, I released a long "mmhhhhhmm" I swear, I was an obese girl in another life. All the food here tasted so amazing. How could I ever be satisfied with subway again? Mitch and Darragh began laughing at me. " Julie, every single first bite of every meal you make noises. I have never heard someone make such a big deal about their food." This made me laugh because my friends always point this out. What can I say, I just really enjoy good food.
We were exhausted from being in the sun all day and I was ready for my afternoon nap. I went back to my hostel, took a shower and slept for a few hours.
When I woke up, a new room ate checked in. She was from Argentina. She just got back from Paris so told me about everything she saw. Lisa from Malibu and Luciana, who goes my Lu, from Chile moseyed back in the room. I proposed that a girls night out was in order. A nice Italian dinner followed by dancing at a club. They were all in. It didn't take much convincing, every girl in this room of six was traveling alone. So I played Rhianna on my iPod and we danced while we put on our make up and did our hair.
Now that I have mastered cutting my prep time in half, I ran to the market to get beer while the girls finished up. I walked down the street and was approached by a French couple. They asked me for directions and I helped them. It was odd to me that I was now a person someone asked for help. It was nice being on the other end for once. I turned the corner and another girl asked for directions to the Train. I gave directions in Italian. I loved it. I felt like a true Italian local.
I got back to the hostel and we headed down to the lobby to ask the Nas, the front desk where he recommended for dinner. He gave us a business card to a restaurant next door. There was a girl standing near us and I asked if she had eaten yet. She had not so I asked if she wanted to join our girls night out. Her name was Selina and she was from Switzerland. We went to the restaurant next door and got a table for four outside and ate in the streets of Rome. We ordered cocktails and toasted to each other. Our dinner conversation consisted of one thing: Love. We each talked about being in love, what it should feel like and what signs indicate you're not in it. Lu was dating someone and didn't know if she was in love. Lisa had just gone through a divorce so had the most advice. She said she married very young so didn't believe she had actually ever experience what it felt to be "in love"
I told her in my experience there was a difference in "loving" someone and being " in love". I've experienced both. It sounded like Lu loved and cared about her boyfriend, but was not " in love"
This was such a heavy conversation to have with three women I just met, but everyone contributed their advice and their opinion. It was a beautiful thing to meet such great people once again and have a girls night out.
Lisa and I couldn't decide on what meal we wanted so I ordered the tortellini and she ordered the catteloni and we split. I know I say everything I order is fantastic, but this Italian pasta was unbelievable. I decided I would email Carrabas when I get home and tell them to give up. They would never be able to match a dinner like this.
Nas had told us if we do one thing, to order the homemade tiramisu. It was an excellent call. It was equally amazing. The four of us split it.
After dinner we drank a little longer at the bar in the hostel and met a big group of people that were heading out to the club. I have yet to go clubbing in Italy so was looking forward to this part. We took our beers and walked down the street in a big group. Everyone was incredibly friendly. We all introduced ourselves to each other and became instant friends. That's the unique experience you will only get in a hostel. Everyone is traveling alone and looking to make new friends. In our group we had a mix of countries but we all spoke English. We had Chile, Germany, Brazil, Switzerland, Sweden, England, Canada and of a few Californians. One guy was from the San Diego area and they other was from Santa Clarita which is north of L.A.
We all headed in the direction of the night life and got incredibly lost. We would ask locals for directions from time to time but continued to aimlessly walk in the streets for over an hour. Finally we stopped and asked one last person and he led the group to the popular bar district.
We turned the corner and there were bars tucked away in a hill. It looked really exotic. I felt like we were now on an island somewhere. Old brick stairs led us up to the second level. The walls were made of old red stone, the canopies were made out if twisted wood with bushes and flowers tucked in every corner. It was so different from all the modern bars I go to in San Diego. We all got drinks and all toasted to each other.
The rest of the night turned into a big party. The club played a lot of Spanish music, a lot of Shakira and some Rhianna. They had club strobe lights moving in every direction. We all danced and laughed and had an amazing time. Everyone let loose and enjoyed the Italian experience.
At 2am, I was the first to propose we head back. I ran out if money and only had 3 Euros for the taxi home. I had been talking a lot with Jeff from Santa Clarita he convinced me to stay. He bought me a beer and then we all danced for another hour.
By 3:30am, I made a group decision we should leave so we all got in Taxis. Jeff, Selina and I were in a taxi and shortly after we left the club we were pulled over by the police. They stopped the car and asked for all if our documents. Everyone passed theirs in but me. I didn't bring mine in fear it would be stolen. The policeman yelled at me and told me at all times I had to be traveling with documents. Then he yelled at the driver. I asked Jeff what was going on and he said the driver was not a registered taxi driver. I glanced around the cab and he was right. We were riding in a BMW and there was no sign if tags or a meter. The police told us to be cautious and pointed at the driver. I became really nervous at this point and scooted up next to Jeff. He told me it was fine, Jeff was a pretty tough guy and I felt safe with him.
We arrived to our hostel in one piece and paid the driver fifteen Euros.
Between being locked out one night and pulled over another, I'd say It's best I stay in tomorrow.
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