We were a bit disappointed that the elk didn't return for a farewell visit to our campsite, but it was time to make our way west. Almost immediately upon leaving our campground, we headed west through the RMNP on the Trail Ridge Road. Over the next 15 miles or so, we climbed through almost constant hills and switchbacks, going from 8,000 feet above sea level to over 12,000 feet. Around 10,000 feet we were above the tree line, the terrain was tundra, and it was VERY windy. In places, the shoulder was about 2 inches wide, and the drop was, well, not survivable. But it was beautiful, probably the most beautiful drive we've ever been on. Karen was scared to death. Getting out at the top you had to hold on to the truck door for fear the wind would rip it off. Karen thought we would be going around the mountains, but no, we went on top of the 12,000 ft high mountain!!!
Once we got out of the Park we headed southwest towards Glenwood Springs. This drive was also very scenic with different vistas around every curve. On the way we went past Copper Mountain, Vail and Beaver Creek - resorts we had skied a number of winters ago. We remembered the drive many years ago where Andrew was dozing in the back seat and would wake up frequently. He thought he was going to die when he saw us make yet another turn on the highway.
We were finally able to have showers and check our email as our site at RMNP did not have any services.
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