Well, left Melbourne after our very exciting Neighbours tour and headed back to Sydney for one night. Went out, got drunk and had a free dinner - woohoo! Whilst in Sydney, on the tube Jim fell over and embraced another man... honestly, embraced! Jim said it meant nothing so everything is fine now. Anywhoo, after a tearful goodbye to Jim's new boyfriend, we booked our greyhound bus ticket to take us up the east coast. First stop Port Macquarie. Its a pretty sleepy harbour town, very pretty. We arrived at night, and there was nothing going on - NOTHING. So not much to say about that night! We're proper "hosteling" it now. The place we were staying in only had 2 shower cubicles and they had spiders in them :(
The next day we went on the longest walk in the world!!! Walked all the way up the beach - that might be why Jim looks so trim! The walk was tiring but worth it for some spectacular views. Also we got to see wild dolphins in the bay, was ace, they got pretty close and were jumping around and playing together. We also went to "Koala hospital." Was really good, but sad to see poorly Koalas. They guide was tellin us how they come in many various states, from burn victims, car accidents to "Wet Bottom" - Chlamidia. Much like Malton hospital - but with cuter patients. Only stayed in Port Maquarie for the one day, as we said there wasn't much to do but def worth a stop. Have just got to Byron Bay, so will update in a few days.
Hope you are all well - keep the messages coming,
Clare and James
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