We Travelled down to Taupo from Rotarua. Arrived at a cute, quirky little hostel, Rainbow Lodge.We checked into the place and the guy working tier asked us what we were doing with our day. We told him we were in Taupo to do a Skydive over the lake. Within 20 minutes we were picked up by a limousine being taken to the Sky Dive centre. I am not one to swear but I think my initial words were 'f***, s***, f***ING HELL'. Within an hour of checking into hostel (bag still at reception) we were all in our jump suits and getting on the plane. We were all privileged to be jumping with some great Skydivers. All really funny and made us feel completely at ease. We scared ourselves with how calm we were. I was probably the most nervous. I would not Shut up talking from booking to landing so knew my nerves were kicking in. At one point on the plane Sarahs man, put one hand on my leg and said 'ok, this is quiet time now' THE CHEEK. I Found it quite amusing though.
So we we were on the plane for about 20 mins overlooking the most beautiful views of New Zealand. After 20 minutes we got to 15,000 feet. We had to wear oxygen masks for part of the plane journey which made it feel more real. My instructor had strapped me in and next minute the door of the plane opened. I have to be honest at that point my stomach did a summersault. Shell was first out, Sarah last out. (not sure which ones worse) Next minute I had to slide (or be pushed) along the seats, fall on the floor of the plane and then next second I was hanging over the edge of the plane. I put my head back on his shoulder (as requested) and then next second BAM I was freefalling out of an aeroplane. We were freefalling for 60-70 seconds. It went soo quickly. Adrenalin went overdrive and I had absolutely no concept of how fast I was going, whether I was flipping or not. I embraced every second. Once the parachute opened i could appreciate the pure beauty of where we were. I was however a bit cocky about how much I loved it that Mick who I jumped with started spinning the parachute round and round and round and round which left me a bitdizzy. After a lot of screaming, hugs and jumps after landing I snuck off for a sneaky puke. Maybe I shouldn't have been so cocky with the spins. I have never been good on spiny fair rides. Other than that though it was imense.
Honest to god it was the best feeling and best experience of my life. LOVED IT!
- comments
Donna Hahahahaha! Wooooooooow! That story was so vivid, I had to go off for a sneaky puke! So proud of you girls. What an experience. I really can not wait to see the footage. X
Donna Shells just told me about the shoe incident. You need to add this to blog. Made me chuckle it did! X
amber beale so proud of all off you well done! xx
Carmel(Clara's Mum) Wow used to think i could do a sky dive. Now 'nooooooo' i couldn't. If it in any way resembles a fair ground ride then that's all i need to hear. Good to hear that you puked with damn good reason. Ha ha. Bring on the footage. Well done to you all. I think you're all awesome! xxx
Chrissy x OMG!!! It sounds amazing I don't think i could ever do that x Well done to u all xx
Suz I love that 'quite time' lol!!! Great stories Clara, keep em coming!! xxx
nuns Gosh Ive always wanted to do a skydive even if it made me sick. Im well proud of you all. I cant imagine that there is much "quite time" between you three girls
Vicky G YAY AMazing girlies well done so proud of you all and how Amazing is that view !!!! thats where me and Holly did our dive id so love to do it again cant wait to see all your pics xxx
Holly Aaaaaaahhh! So jealous, like Vic said, how amazing is that view once the chute opens?!? Defo looking forward to seeing the DVD, and please expand on the 'shoe incident' (unless it involves vom, in which case it can wait) xxxxxxxxx