Hey, how ya goin? (a common phrase I hear everyday) I'm writing this entry as Claire is currently at work bringing home the bucks, I wish it was me rather than Claire, me being the man and all...I guess you got to be careful what you wish for as literally as I'm typing this I've been offered a job! At last, it's cleaning out rental vans but hey, it's money during a world recession!
Sorry, so anyway, as Claire has been working I've been job hunting, agency knocking and spreading word of mouth to get a job, but now that's done...well, I guess we'll see more of Melbourne at the weekends from now!
We spent Valentine's Day doing tourist stuff, got a tram down to Flinder's Street in the morning to visit Melbourne Aquarium, getting queit the expert after Sydney's one too! I got chuffed when the guy at the counter asked who I supported and he said Crouchy will keep Pompey up...?!
As usual we were both peckish, I earlier treated Claire to sushi and a smoothie, it was really for me, Claire says I eat too much sushi but I tell her it's better then burgers and ice cream, so we went for Chinese. Just in case this sounds gutty, we had sushi about 11 and Chinese about 6 before we get accused of being piggy!!
After months of Claire saying "I'd love to go see Billy Elliott, I've wanted to for 4 years", I had an idea for a Valentine's Day to see Australia vs New Zealand at the MCG, they sold out so I brought Billy Elliott tickets instead! It was actually very good, I admit I shed a tear (I thought the interval was the end, didn't realise there was a second half?!), we laughed, we sang and Claire even gave a standing ovation, I was still stuffed from dinner! Sunday was spent cleaning and washing, thats's it really, nothing to write home about, literally!
About a week ago we had Kat's mum Sally stay with us before she goes on her travels herself, we put her up and took her to a few places to get started. We went to StKilda festival and went to see a band/girl who I'd been recommended by a mate...Kate Miller-Heidke, she was brilliant!
I've got a plan for the weekend about what touristy stuff to do next, I can't say as Claire dosn't know...
I've probably either told you what you already know or missed out loads but I'm sure you'll hear all about it soon enough!
Happy Birthday Leigh (Lala) and Pam (Nanny), presents are on their way, I promise!! Hope you are all ok back home? It's cooled down in Melbourne now, only 42 degrees here now! Missing you all, love Claire and Gary, Gary and Claire xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
P.S. we went swimming last night..! I just remembered.
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