Hiya Claire,
By the time you receive this you will be up in Cairns, North Qld. We tried to ring you this morning but you must have been on the 'plane as it said 'out of area'. We hope that you had a good flight and you met up with Gemma. What about those severe floods ? Isn't Cairns on the edge of it all? Have fun in Queensland and take care. We will ring you in another few days,
Cheers from Rhoma and John xx
glad to see you are still having a good time, I liked the last entry & the photos are good, I have sent you a couple on E mails with family updates. speak soon Love mum x x
Bob Swift
Happy birthday for the 22nd. I hope you are having a good time at Bondi. I went to Billys last Sunday, thought I might catch you but you had already moved on.
Have you met any interesting people down there?
What is the work situation like?
Today is Wed 24/1. The rain is absolutely perssisssting down up here. The house is progressing. The doors should be on today to lock it up. I am still working on the boundary fence, it should be finished by 1/2/07.
Let us know how you are going as we are interested in your travels.
Mummy Simp
hi claire. didnt know it was your birthday yesterday (happy birthday) Just thought i would have a look at your travels. you look as if you are having a ball. it want be long before gemma is out there with you. carry on having a great time. keep safe love mum simp xxxxxxxxx
Hi Claire,
Got your email today, sorry mine was day late! Anyway had a look at your pictures, they look increadable! Im so jelious of you!
Keep having the good times! We had snow in Middlesbrough today......only about an inch but there you go.
Take care
My Name Is Nessie
Happy Birthday Scouse!
i know its gunna be one to remember!...she's a squire she's...hahaha! i recieved your letter, its sounds like ur rockin nd rolling kido!...the car bar sounded amazing, uknow i was there in spirit writing poems with u under the stars.
i shall drop u an email soon,
untill then take care...ill blast some tunes nd do some birthday dancing for u later :)
miss u
John & Rhoma In Molong
Hello again Claire!
This is a happy Birthday message from us, and Ev -we all wish you a very happy day and we will talk to you after 5 pm tonight. Your phone was busy when we rang this morning. We did not ring too early as we thought you may be having a late sleep in!!!! We also had hoped to get the first birthday greeting to you.
Cheers and take care,
John,Ev and Rhoma XX
Suzanne X
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! Hey babe, Happy Birthday hope you have a fabulous day wish I could be with you I like the sound of the show idea!!Just thought Id send this one early but your mum and dad got there first!!hehe!!But will send you an email tomorrow!Hope your still having lots of fun sounds like you are!Take care, Speak soon, Love you lots and lots Suzanne xxxxxxxxxx
Mum & Dad
Missing you lots but its less than 18 weeks until we come & meet you, have a lovely birthday tomorrow we hope its a day to remember.
Love Mum & Dad x x
John & Rhoma
Hello there cousin twice removed!
It looks like you are getting around and seeing more of your Oz family. Love all the photographs. We spoke to your Nan & Grandad this morning and they were ok. They were very pleased to read your journal too and quite excited by the photo's of Ev and everyone. We will keep in touch, Claire, travel safely and have fun with the young folk's in Bondi !!
Hi claire ! x
your site is good, looks like your having a really nice time. your pictures are good looks lovely, so jelous!
speak to you soon. love em xxx