Hi Bib, last batch of photos look really cool, you and Gem both look very well, you are really seeing it all and still lots of good bits to go, you have been gone 4 & 1/2 months can't wait to see you. Mum x x
Alex O'b
Some of those Queenstown pics dont even look real, theyre like something you'd get as a pc desktop wallpaper, the one of the lake is nice !
OOPs! pressed the wrong button. Sky dive photos are great I can't decide if you are brave or insane! I think I would have bottled out, take care! Mum x x
Hiya Claire, sounds like you are having a ball in NZ, very brave to ski dive. What was the bridge climb like? Did you catch up with Doug & Sue in Christchurch? The famil in Penrith and Aunty Ev are all asking after you, so now that I have seen the photos I can tell them you both are OK. Will keep in touch Pamx
Hiya Claire
You sound like your having a ball and NZ looks amazing!!! I cant believe you jumped out of a plane!!!! Im very impressed :-)
Keep posting the cool pics of your travels they certainly brighten up a dull day in Wigan!!
You take care chick and have fun xx
hi claire,
you are very brave for jumping out of that plane ! the pictures are good and the whales were cute. New Zealand look lovely, hope you enjoy the rest of your time there x love Emma x
The last batch of photos look fantastic!, I would love to see whales in the wild, I have only ever seen them at sea world, I wish I was there with you.
Enjoy the rest of NZ,
Take Care!
Love you Mum x x x
Alex O'b
Just had another flick through the website to see what youve been doing because I know youve moved about alot. I'm depressed; me and dad just got back from the match, Man.United beat Liverpool 1-0 and they scored in the last minute, don't mention it to Gemma if she hasn't already told you, Manc! I'll tell Emma to look at the whale, she'll be jealous, no elephants yet though..? Where are the pictures from the bridge? Are you anywhere near where they made Lord of the Rings? That was made in New Zealand!
Speak Soon x
Not sure what you meant - but just hearing the name again made me chuckle.
Hey Claire ,
I guess you are in NZ by now . You left your PJ pants here - both pair! Shall I send them & where to ? I don't have Uncle Dougs address. Are you doing the Contiki tour?
Can't believe it rained (again) on you for the Bridge climb - glad it was ok anyway.
We'll keep checking your journal . Have fun - Try not to miss out on anything.
Love Amanda & the boys.
John & Rhoma In Molong
Hiya Claire,
Have just been looking at the latest photo's at Amanda and Marc's.
They are good - I heard Richards party was a good one ! More than a little grog involved ???? Amanda's welcome dinner looked interesting,too. Hope the weather is not too hot up there. Molong had another sprinkle of rain today - next lot of visitors can have a real shower - not a bird bath !!
Sorry that you were unable to link up with the truck ride. Never mind, the 'plane trip back to Sydney will be faster. 1200 km is a long way by truck..... Merely an hour by plane !
Enjoy the bbq at Wendy's. We will try and get you before you move on to Melbourne,
Keep on enjoying it all you may never pass this way again!
Fond love,
John and Rhoma xx