iya claire. hope your ok. looks like your havin a fab time. college is goin really well. lovin every minute. so when u come bk you can have as many facials, eyetreatments, manicures, pedicures and waxing as you want :D lots of laura love xoxoxox
Mummy Manc
Hi claire.
Iam glad Gem is out there with u now. Iam sure u both will have a great time. the weather her is cold wet and windy. i have had a look at your pictures you are getting about abit. i don`nt think there is alot more of australia you two have`nt seen yet is there!
The last batch of photos look great, Fraser Island & Airlie beach look fantastic - I feel very jealous! I am getting a bit worried that you are not going to want to come home!
Take Care Love you! Mum x x x
hiya claire looks like u have had some trip n its not over 4 u yet. U avent missed much here its bin very boring as usual. I dont even have any gossip 4 u which makes a change. Missing r little talks and stuff on the pool but hope you are having a lovely time and i hope to see you soon not too soon though. Lots of love gabby x x x x x x
Leanne Joes Girlfriend
hi i was just looking through your pictures it looks like u are having a great time. i cnt wait to go to austrailer, me n joe wana go and live there!! ha!! hope u are having a good time. just thought id write a message.
Hi I hope you are both OK I haven't heard from you for a few days.
I hope your still having a good time, ur last journal entry was really good.
take care!
Mum x x x
Hi claire,
I looked at Gemma's site, aww that elephant is soo cute, i wish i could have done that !
thanx for letting me know.
hope your still having a lovely time x love emma x
Nan & Gdad
Hi Claire has it stopped raining yet are you still enjoying it
Hi this Me Nan how is gemma did she enjoy tailand robin has just beenon the phone asked are you going back there i said maybe one day we have had snow today and its very cold your photos are great we still look at them all and update they are very good with your snorkel on your head, the water looks great whenyou were snorkling out in the sea, we are okay still miss you loads never mind its going very quick love to you and gemma nan and grandad,
x x x x
John And Rhoma
Friday 9th Feb 07
Hi Claire!
You have become quite the adventurer. We are so pleased that you are experiencing a little more of what Oz has to offer - and there is lots more. A pity the weather is not the best at present but it will improve. Guess what - it rained in Molong today!! ten minutes after we had bought a tanker load of water!! We were in Hamilton Island last March when we took a 2 br unit for our friends from Wales. We had a great week and I am sure you will too. I hope you decide to take out some of the water craft as it is all included in your package. We did not get out on the Catamarans as we were too busy wining and dining and lazing around the pool bars!! Very relaxing place. We will ring you Saturday or Sunday,
Cheers for now and keep up the enjoyment bit as your holiday in Northern Oz will soon be over.
Fond love,
Rhoma and John XX
Laura & Debbie
Hey huni all da way from David Lloyd.
We are just about to start r kidz first aid course wid vinnie!! nowts changed here its just snowing!!
so jealous of u!!
speak soon
laura and debs
Alex O'b
g'day !
Realised I hadn't spoken to you in a while so i thought I'd put a message on. I woke up the other night when you rang, but went back to bed! I'm sure Mum has told you there is not much to report on here ... but I've done my January exams and have nearly done all my coursework now, so once thats out of the way then I've just got my summer exams to concentrate on ... and then that's it! Ive only got 6 exams to do, but i have 4 on one day !! Stupid !! I also had a good night in work on Monday, me and Luke (who was lookin' at site with me the other day) got to serve loads of the ex-LFC players, Ian Rush and co.
You need to get a job!!! But carry on enjoying yourself until you settle somewhere again and look for one then, the pics of the rainforest/beach looks boss! Emma is jealous of your pictures of all the animals, but sad you haven't got any of elephants yet! Are you going over the bridge in Sydney or not? Will you be able to take the camera with you then? Nan n G'dad were aughing with me the other day about how I used to ask them could we go OVER Runcorn bridge in the car, haha, and that your actually going over the Harbour bridge! I know where I'd rather be!
Keep up the good work, speak to you soon...
Love Al x
hi claire
borrowed the laptop from work again so thought id catch up with your journal new photos look boss looks like still having a great time did you get to see my m8 roche? if you see him tell him to answer some emails. Hope you had a good birthday ! the girls are all well and send their love my backs a bit better gone back to work anyway enjoy rest off trip love bri x