Hiya Claire. hope your well. your journals lookin great. JUS a quick note to say....
I Passed my drivin test today :D:D:D:D:D
Speak soon love lau x x x x
Suzanne X
Hey!!Hope your well and still having lots of fun!Its looks like you are!Sorry I havent emailed you back yet I will!!It was lillies 1st birthday yesterday I will get her a card and present off us both dont worry!!I text claire going to see her next week she said that she had recieved a postcard and was glad to here your ok!bless!Well cant wait to see more photographs!!Speak soon, Love u lots xxxx
Hi, I like the last entry, I hope you will be able to get lots of photos loaded on to the site now - We need more Pics.
Take Care
Mum x x
John & Rhoma
We have just viewed your latest journal entries - great to see that you included the Molong snaps. We spoke to Nanna Ev tonight and she was happy that you played Scrabble with her ! She did not tell us that she had beaten you though! You did. Do hope that you are meetins plenty of young folk in Penrith. Have you taken the train into the City yet ? It is worth getting an excursion day ticket as you can use this for bus train and ferries. A great way to see the city and harbour, too. The Opera house is well worth a visit.
Take care and we will talk to you in 2 days when our visitors have left .
Love from us both,
Rhoma and John
My Name Is Nessie
now then kid!!!!!!!!!!!!
she's a squire, she's.................lookin very tanned actually!
missing ya loads skinny minnie....check your new freckles out!...sexy.not much has changed in my world really, im still living like a pretend rock star of the 60s!so have you met the wizard of oz yet? i want some magic potions. anyways best be off.
scouse,mate...miss u loads
harrrrrrrrrrrryyyyyyyy chrishna,peace,love,light and of course
rock and roll...mannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn
our kid, ness.xxxx
Hey Babe!!Happy New Year!!Missing you lots!!Ive just emailed you only got back last night!!Had a really good tour though Leeds was fab!!So back to auditions now!!Hopefully going to do spirit training and learn the abba and broadway show but might be getting a tv agent through a contact I met in Leeds the young singer on the show which is good!!Well let me know how you are and whats happening!!Miss you always, Love ya Lots Suzanne xx
Pat Allan
Hi Claire, hope you had a great Christmas and that you enjoy bringing in 2007. All the best from Pat & Dave
did you get my email xmas day
hi claire
hope your well missed you xmas day played pictionary and there was no fight very disapointing still the boys won as normal iam off work at moment injured me back been carring alex all month dont tell him though give my love to rhoma and john ask rhoma does she still wear her liverpool shirt and did he have it on during the champs league final 2005 was a good year for the boys in red i bet john still celebrating wales winning the 6 nations that year believe your in sydney for new year that will be good my mate chris works in the crowne plaza there and he loves it listen have a great new year will write soon lov bri and the girls xxx
yo ob! merry xmas and happy new year! hope ur ok! just sat in 2nite watchin csi lol! take care hun speak soon xxx
Karen Duds
hello there! Ive finally got around to talking to you, im at your mums on her lap top, as im no good on computers. Steve keeps telling me to put a message on your board, but i would'nt know how to get on your site..
it sounds like you are having a lovely time, out there, our girls are so jealous. ha! ha! Just enjoy yourself and keep a log of where and what you do through your journey. Photographs especially need to be dated and written on the back where it was taken, cos you will forgot when you get back.
Weve been on a walk over on the Wirral, to Leasowe lighthouse, we got soaked. We enjoyed it though, when back at your mums she'd made enchalardas and salad, very nice it was too. Oh and some lovely wine and Tia Maria and cokes, whiskey beer etc etc......
I could'nt drink though as as, usual I am driving. We are going down to see Nichola and Andy tomorrow(Thursday). Its Nicholas birthday on Friday, so we will have a few more drinkies then.
Hope you had a lovely Christmas, and enjoy the rest of the journey, I will write again soon when Steve shows me how to do it.
We all wish you all the best for 2007, and enjoy the rest of your journey, it goes so fast!!!!
Miss you and love you loads, all our love Karen, Steve, Nichola and Amanda x xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Rebecca Gamble
hi claire how are you i hope you enjoyed your christmas in austrailia were all missing and are thinking of you. we have all had a good day playing games the o'brein team were one man down and still won some games. for christmas i got buzz the gameshow live in your living room and some nice jewelry including a solid gold chain of santa. anyway i hope you have enjoyed your christmas and you enjoy the rest of the trip
good luck
rebecca gamble