Claire's Travels
Hello one and all!
Well we have arrived in Arequipa! It really is a huge place! We decided to stay in the Point Hostel - the sister hostel of the one in Lima...mainly because it was the only one I had details for!
Anyway, we dumped our stuff and headed to the main square - the plaza de armas. It is a really pretty area and beautifully manicured - they really know how to keep a good garden here!
We had lunch in the square which was closely followed by an ice cream. While enjoying the sights...and the ice cream, a guy called Juan Carlos (great name right?) approached us and explained that he was studying english and was wondering if he could practice with us. Well he approached the right girls! As you know myself and tash have a passion for talking so after 4 hours Juan Carlos was able to get away and we went for dinner! actually we really struggled to find somewhere to eat as everywhere seemed to be shut. At one point we thought we were going to have to settle for cake but luckily we located somewhere still serving hot food!
Tomorrow we are heading for the tourist sights, so I'll let you know how that goes!
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