We got up on Valentines day and headed to the bus - everyone with the horriblest hangover ever! Then headed out towards River Valley.We headed to Tongariro National Park for a little walk and then headed on to RV. As it is in the middle of no where, cell phone reception cuts off about 45 minutes from the place we were staying. Just before we turn into the long road where the reception is lost the bus decided to break down and wouldn't work… to our amusement we had broken down at a place called Spooners Hill. So after a few opportune moments for some spooning photos, we waited around for about 2 hours for a mechanic to turn up who couldn't fix it so Lauren had to phone the place we were staying and they had to come pick us all up. When we arrived we had to walk down a massive hill that took forever, but the place was so nice. We checked in (luckily we had a room of 6, where as others had 36 in one room with literally mattresses lying next to each other - was crazy! We then had the best roast dinner ever…. Us backpackers were in heaven! Then we had showers…this was an experience, the showers were quite small walled and we could see over each shower cubicle. The boys then came into shower - and with john being over 6 ft tall, it was amusing. We have a pic so will upload it when get hold of it… We then headed for a drink of two before heading to bed. The boys were still in the bar drinking so Loz, Steph and I decided we would play a joke on them. We went into their rooms and stuffed all their mattresses underneath the bunk beds and retired to bed. About 20 minutes later we heard a knock on the door and john was stood there and asked if we could explain what had happened. Trying not to laugh to give it away, we said we didn't have a clue then went back to bed. At this point john must have gone to get the boys as we heard a massive bang on the door with john, Paddy and T standing there… We decided not to open it then Paddy knocked on the window, and as Loz went to pull the curtain back, Paddy was jumping through the window and literally picked Loz up and dragged her outside to which she got soaked. Then t came in and soaked me and Steph in our beds before soaking us again after getting dragged outside! All in all, everyone was equal and it was a funny joke/night. We woke in the morning - had breakfast and then headed up hill to the bus on our ay to Wellington…. Xxxx
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