Not long to go now, last two days. Cant wait to see you at the airport. Make the most of your remaining time in n.z.
See you friday xxxxxxxxxxx
Hi Claire
A very Happy Birthday 2 you no doubt you have you have celebrated in style! Sorry it's so late in the day & probably a day later for now. Make the most of your last few days. Really looking forward to seeing you on Friday.
Ann xxxxxxxx
Happy Birthday
Hi Claire
Have a lovely day. See you friday
Lots of love mum and dadxxxxxxxxxx
hey Claire, last week or so now, doesnt time fly! got some good news for u and a date to put in your diary! summer league starts on Tuesday 13th May! better get your hockey stick dusted off when you get home! thats about it for now see u soon have a good last 8/9 days see u soon xx
Hi Claire.
Hope you managed to sort some accommodation out for your last week and a half. Spoke to steph, she said you were all going to hit the shops. Hope you managed to get some last minute bargains. Say hi to Nelson from me when you meet up.
See you soon, take care, love Mum xxx
Hi Claire.
Not long to go now, make the most of your last two weeks. Cant wait to see you .hope i recognise you all with your lovely tans.
Lots of love Mum xxx
Wanaka looks great. Some good pics!
See you soon x
Hi Claire. Your pictures are stunning of the ice and the lake. Was it cold on the ice, youve all got rosy cheeks. Not long now, youll have to cram everything else into TWO weeks now, its gone really quick. I think i would have been going up and coming down the glaciers on my bottom.
Take care, See you soon xxxxx
HI Claire
Great to read the blog & see all photos, I've given up waiting for Laura's ! ( think she is too busy partying!) How brave were you skydiving - what an achievement - good on you. Kiwi land sounds amazing, you have had some amazing experiences. You'll all need at least a month to trecover when you come home, can't believe it's under 3 weeks till your return, it's gone so fast.
My family have spanned 4 conintents this week!
Take care
Ann x
Sorry, the button stuck. Dont need to speak to you for a while now hahaxxx
Hi Claire. Nice to hear from you tonight. Hope the glaziers werent too much trouble to climb. Three weeks to go I dont know where the time has gone. All that planning and its nearly over. Well speak to you soon. Take care, love you xxxxxxxxx