We were too tired to write an entry yesterday so I'm going to merge these two entries together.
We woke up and had breakfast in our lovely San Francisco hotel. Pancakes for both of us. I'm going to miss our American breakfasts - pancakes, waffles, bacon, fruit, and best of all having breakfast together. I think this has been the most consecutive days we've spent together and it's been great! Anyway, enough of the soppiness...
After breakfast we picked up the cable car and got to ride on the outside this time. Hurrah! So much fun (and a little scary a times - those hills are big and you are literally hanging off a moving vehicle and holding on...). The operators are so funny and make this a real experience. I'm so glad that we bought three-day passes and made the most of them. From the cable car we walked to pier 39 (via the shops) to pick up our rental bikes for the day. After a quick safety briefing (which was not so much about safety as the route...showed smiley happy people cycling along flat cycle paths in the sunshine - more on that later) we were off! We cycled along the piers to the harbour and then cut up to the Golden Gate bridge. The hill was pretty steep but we made it up. Phew! The bridge was in cloud again so we couldn't get a decent picture, but you could see off, just about. Cycling on the bridge was a bit of a liability. You have cyclists going in both directions and pedestrians going in both directions all sharing a narrow path. To your left is 6 lanes of traffic and to the right the Pacific Ocean. It was great fun nevertheless! About half way over the bridge the fog began to clear and we had blue skies and could get some pictures of half the bridge. The rest remained in cloud... Over the bridge and we navigated the car park full of tour buses (nightmare) and cycled down the hill into Sausalito. This was great fun apart from the hundreds of tourists cycling who had no idea about how to cycle on a road. They stopped and started and pulled out without looking. I had to do an emergency stop to avoid crashing into one man who stopped right in front of me. Argh! Sausalito is a tiny harbour town overlooking the San Francisco Bay (inspiration for the Otis Reding 'sitting on the dock of the bay' song). It's so pretty and we stopped for a while to watch the world go by and have a snack. There was a Chinese lady fishing on the rocks in front of us with a hand held line and a pole. When she caught something she'd run down to the local restaurant and then come back and carry on. Catching lunch to order! We had two options - get the ferry back from Sausalito or continue on to Tiburon, about three times as far, and get the ferry back from there. You guessed it - we carried on! After Sausalito we continued on to Mill Valley to see the giant red wood pines, some of the tallest in the world. The park was so pretty and full of the prettiest houses. What a great place to live (forest fires aside). Around this time we started to get hungry (it was 4pm) and so we stopped in Mill Valley for a sandwich. We ate in the square, watching four local pensioners play a very competitive game of chess! We doubled back and set of for Tiburon, home of Robin Williams until he died. About this time I realised how ambitious we were (I was!) to cycle so far. There was a section on a busy road followed by a big hill and I had a bit of a sense of humour failure for about 15 mins. Tired, achy, hot and grumpy, but Claire kept me going and soon we were on the flat and by the beautiful bay again.
We made the 5.55 ferry with ten minutes to spare and were glad for a sit down on board. It was foggy on the water so the views weren't great but nice to get the fresh air all the same. Our ferry pulled into pier 1 so we had to get back on our bikes (ouch) to cycle back to pier 39, but this was great as we got to see all the piers!
After handing our bikes back we realised how tired and a get we were and also sun burnt! We lasted four whole weeks without getting burnt and then stupidly burnt on the last day. The combination of warm but breezy day and cycling was obviously not great!
We wandered around pier 39 and did our final bits of shopping, and then had one more site to see before going back to the hotel -Lombard Street. This is the famous street that zig zags down the hill. We took a very slow walk up to the base of the hill and then took some photos before walking up ourselves. The cars zig zag down but pedestrians have the walk up steps at the side. The houses and really pretty here too but it think the tourists would drive me crazy if I lived there!
At the top of the hill, we waited the the cable car and travelled back to our hotel. We stopped in at Lori's diner, across the road, and got a burger a fries to take away with a milk shake and lemonade. Yum! We got back to our room at 9pm, ate and then flopped. The tiredness took over! We had to pack to come home and it was a nightmare. Hot and tired we couldn't get our bags to weigh the right amount even with an extra case. It was like the Krypton Factor! In the end we gave up with two cases weighing 2kg too much and hoped for the best.
We woke up shattered this morning. Claire's shoulder in burnt and our legs were tired from yesterday. We were getting ready and I managed to drop my engagement ring down the sink. Argh argh argh! Luckily the hotel were amazing and sent a man up straight away who removed the pipes and got it out for me. I tried to give him a very large tip but he wouldn't take any money. What a great hotel.
Disaster over, we got our final breakfast (boo) and checked out of the hotel. We took the cable car down and picked up a tour bus back to the Golden Gate Bridge and part of the route we cycled yesterday, hoping for less fog. It was still foggy but we managed to get a picture of the whole bridge - yippee!!
We took the cable car back and then had some lunch before getting the shuttle to the airport. We're now waiting for our flight in departures, so sad because our adventure is over :-( It's not all bad though - our plane is called Mustang Sally!
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