Left the city in the direction of the Grampian Mountain Ranges. A vast area of mountains, rocks, lakes, waterfalls, the bush and wildlife. Hopefully we'll see a kangaroo!
After quite a long drive and 3 hours of French lessons later we were in the middle of the Grampians. Within about 5 minutes our wild kangaroo count had gone from a mere 1 to 100's! They were everywhere! Bouncing around in large groups, in the middle of the road just standing up right and staring at us as we passed. We even saw emus and deer.
The road carried on into the moutains and up steep hills where it became really narrow and sometimes a little scary with the 1000feet drop to our right! We didnt have time to stop and take in the amazing views as it was starting to get dark and we wanted to get to the campsite before it was pitch black and impossible to see the bouncing critters. Just as we were saying this, a little wallaby came out of nowhere, luckily it had a bit of road sense and hopped out the way!
We eventually got to our campsite and the whole park was completely overrun by kangaroos and little Joeys in the mothers pouches! Just what we wanted.
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