Following a restless night's sleep by the ever constantly snoring old man we went in search of a travel agent to book a longhouse trip to stay overnight in - Longhouses are houses that are really really long, Says it all in the name really and there can be up to 100 families all living under one really long roof!
A trip to stay with one of these families is apparently an excellent experience and something that we really want to do, but when we found out it was going to cost us about £75 each for one night we decided to put it on hold! At least until we get to Sarawak (the next province we'll be visiting in Borneo, where it is supposed to be more traditional).
With nothing to do in the capital of Sabah, Borneo, we spent the rest of the afternoon in the hostel before going back to the same Chinese restaurant for the same Chinese food for our tea. We then went back to watch the Goonies!
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