The big move.
Life continues on at a fast pace- lots of things going on, the weeks are fairly rattling past and the move to the boss's house made me start to think about getting one carload of belongings reduced down to 20 kg suitcase and a 7kg of hand baggage for the journey to Aus and then on home.
Last weekend started with 'happy hour'- as usual it turned out to be more than that-held at Penny and Tony's house last week- it was their wedding anniversary- the 23rd I think- I take my hat off to those who can last the pace. Tony was cooking a whole beef fillet to make steak sandwiches, smoked salmon pieces and various cheeses to start off with, and I made some pudding- the mixture of cream, condensed milk and lemon juice that sounds disgusting but is quite yummy- served with slices of the wonderful sweet pineapples that are on the go here just now. They had some friends round along with the usual suspects from the surgery and Donna, who never misses an excuse to party!! Donna is moving to Australia in a couple of weeks so we drove down together in order that we could make an early escape and get to bed to prepare for a day's packing. Well, that one didn't work out!!- we had great night chatting and laughing and eating and drinking.
Peach offered me lunch on Saturday and I blithely thought I would be finished in 'Nanna's house' by then!! I got it emptied and cleaned and hovered and was about to lock up about three o'clock when Sam, one of the medical students (who happens to live in Blenheim), pitched up and I was able to show him around and gave him a key to let the others in the next day. Peach got me back on my feet with some strong coffee and after unloading up at the new house, I headed to the next party!! Donna's leaving 'do'.
Sunday was recovery day- for both Donna and I, but we managed a wee run in the car- out to the quilter's barn to buy some fabric swatches to send to Mary Pirie- to keep her busy in her retirement.We moved a gigantic pot plant complete with trellis from Donna's to Peach's garden-all in Ruth's wee car- I drove with a bit of trellis sticking in my ear.
I had planned some work on my portfolio in the evening but crashed out in front of the TV-they have sky here and once I had mastered the art of getting the various machines switched on in the correct order, I got it switched on.(I gave up on the bank of machines that make up the music centre- I couldn't see anywhere to pop in a CD- I believe all the music is on a computer somewhere- the speakers are very impressive- two five feet high panels either side of the big window in the sitting room)I watched Monty Don and his 80 gardens in Melbourne and New Zealand and then watched Rick Stein on his Mediterranean journey. They don't seem to make quality TV programmes like these in NZ.
The weekdays have not been much better. Monday I had my first session with a medical student sitting in- although she is delightful and teaching certainly keeps you on your toes, I found that I spent most of the morning talking to her and couldn't get on with all the routine paperwork. (computer work really) Monday evening was taken up with a social event to allow the students to meet the training GPs and many of the consultants from the local hospital. I had the usual gut reaction to entering a room full of consultants but things are much less formal in NZ and I was amazed meeting with the two young women who are the consultant surgeons. Like policemen and bank managers, they get younger all the time!!
Tuesday was even more hectic. I had arranged to go back down to the farm in the evening but forgot there was a rehearsal for 'Relay for life' at 5.30- just after work. Relay for life is an annual fundraising event for the Cancer Society. I was at a Zonta meeting (a gathering of professional women who raise funds for, and awareness of, the plight of disadvantaged women around the world) and got roped into being on their team. I thought I was only agreeing to walking all night/part of the night (after finding some sponsors) but I found out what the rehearsal was about- we are to have a slot in a stage show just before the walk- where we will dance and mime to Kylie singing the locomotion song. We have had a one hour practice and the choreographer kept changing the routine-it has all the makings of a complete farce- the t-shirts are the wrong size- we are to wear black polo neck, I don't posses one-long black trousers- I have blue- and black shoes- I have brown!! We are to wear a gold top hat (costing $2) and gold glitter wig- at least we will be almost unrecognisable!!
I had offered to take something for the tea at the farm- I bought a smoked chicken and yet another pineapple. I dashed out of the surgery at the last minute to get to the rehearsal and after that, half way down the road, I remembered I had left the food in the fridge at the surgery. I passed the only supermarket on the road, 10 minutes after it closed! We dined on potatoes and vegetables.
Today has been better, a day off. I had promised to take Peach out for the afternoon. She had made a big dinner for visitors coming over from Wellington, but they had phoned to say they would be on the late ferry and wouldn't be with her till 10pm. Peach had bought cream and condensed milk to get me to show her how to make this pudding. So, we took the chicken, the lemons, the cream, the condensed milk and the pineapple and drove to Havelock to Mary's. The fire was lit- still 19 degrees but this is Autumn coming in- and we had a smashing dinner at her house.
Tomorrow I am having dinner with Kath and Mike who are back from Dubai, but only for a short visit, and then Friday night we are back to happy hour again. Tough life but somebody has to do it.
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