SAYING GOODBYE TO KEZZ AND MO This was much more upsetting than I thought it would be.The two of them came back from their travels to finish off the diving course.Morag had a bad day on the last dive and I think all my fears about them going diving rose to the surface. I wasn't aware of getting upset about it but didn't sleep particularly well the night before they left.They spent the last morning with Tony at his aircraft workshop and I arranged to meet the two of them for lunch at the garden centre behind the surgery. We were all a bit flat over lunch and said goodbye rather glumly in the car park. I went into the surgery and they went back to the house to pack up. I started to cry as soon as I left them, I cried on and off all afternoon. I cried when I typed an email for Mo to pick up the next time she logged on. I cried when a member of staff asked me 'How has your day been?' I'm not sure she was expecting an answer but she got one when I burst into tears! I cried when the chemist brought back a prescription that I had got wrong. I managed not to cry in front of the customers or the boss. My friend Donna popped into the surgery and took pity on me, took me home, gave me a brandy and then dinner. I cried when I got back to the house, I wanted Mo and Kezz still to be there. I cried when I read the note Morag left and I cried when I realised they had left copies of their photos on my laptop.I then sat for two hours going through the photos and thought of all the good memories we had of our trip together and eventually I stopped crying. Thank goodness!!
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