Bless your heart, Alex! "England had an awful game yesterday, we won but didn't deserve to". We (Scotland) would give our eye teeth for one of those!
rub it in why dont you! :o) cheeky. sounds like you've been busy and the carnival sounded amazing!am very jealous. your not missing much of the rugby really. england had an awful game yesterday. we won but didnt deserve to. havent seen any scotland games although im sure your dad will keep you up to date.
Good news on the cousin front if you haven't already heard: Rachel has passed her accounting exams and Sarah has passed her driving test! Let's hope Scots luck holds out for the rugby! Hope you've had a brilliant day in BA!
Just viewed your awesome pix on slide shows with Eva Cassidy singing 'Imagine' on pc - perfick!
You'll be able to swop stories about BA with Derek - he lived there for a year and saw Juan Peron and Evita on the balcony of Casa Rosada back in 1948! (Actually he sold the story to Andrew Lloyd Webber)
Love reading blogs of your brill trip & love the curls - reminds me of when you were VERY young! Lots of love from all the James family
BON VOYAGE, mes petites! Have a wonderful time in Buenos Aires. You must see the Cathedral, and the presidential palace, which is called the Pink House (like ours, only we have no balcony to stand out on at the mo!). Bet Madonna would have got that sorted, pronto!
well done for getting some more photos on the go stanfield!! u've obv seen some ace places along the way already! fair play to u doing that v long walk.. i was tired just looking at the pictures. teehee!! keep the post/emails/texts coming missis. big hugs coming ur way. love mini u (but shorter, with a bigger bum and long eye lashes - u know it. lol) xxxxxxxx
I think dancing the samba in the street with no top and no pants definitely comes under the Don't Try This At Home category! Stan says won't it be lovely, Christie doing all the cooking when shes's home, all that world cuisine? Don't you just love a man with a sense of humour? HA HA!
Hey hun so glad your having a nice time. So jealous but i'm going to jamaica in 3 weeks so it's all good. acrnival should be fab so party like it's 1999. Always thinking of you and again have as much fun as physically possible!!!1
Your father once said to me "You drink so much coffee, it's a wonder your head isn't buzzing!". I said NOW YOU'RE GETTING IT!
Very disappointed - Google Earth'd it, but couldn't see the three of you on the beach..
Time for a new blog, Christie, the natives are getting restless! PS I didn't know you drank coffee! Anything else you want to tell me?!
Tell you what, Christie, I think you should def use that photo of the Inca Mum and grumpy baby as your next Christmas card, unless of course doing so would stir up bad mojo!