That was horrible.
We caught the night bus from Siem Reap and all my excitement & curiousity that had built up that day had quickly been erased by an experience which Laura dubbed 'the prison bus'.
On we got, 8pm and after trying to fit into my bed (which was the worst on the whole bus due to us been allocated towards the back,where the engine is,thus,the beds being raised;leaving less than 20cm between my nose and the roof and they're not designed for 6 footers either!)
We figured if we both got reading we'd eventually drop of to sleep,ignoring the cattle like conditions....nah!!!
They turned the lights off at 8:15,so no reading for us.
Once the back beds became unbearable we thankfully,managed to find some beds a bit further down. Only problem with these ones was below us was a group of Cambodian kids,with a torch (obviously done this before),pack of cards and very loud mouths.
We figured some snacks for the journey would be handy so I picked up some local BBQ bits for us:some spare ribs with vegetables and some what I was led to believe was chicken breast,turned out be livers on sticks.nice.could have been worse...I did almost get chicken heads.
As laura attempted to read her book I took to peering down at the bunks below,watching the game of cards.Not sure what they were playing but they appeared to be throwing down random cards in random sequences.not a clue.
Over 8 hours later of numerous stops,bad toilets...real bad toilets,disjointed sleep due to the bumpy roads and me flying into the bus window,we eventually got to our destination around 6am.
Greeted by dozens of taxi and tuk tuk drivers we jumped in a taxi and headed to a long strip of hotels along the beach and went straight to bed after viewing the second one.
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