Ah thanks for the update in the photo department, i could only imagine how beer cans was involved in your game in the email now iv seen!! Looks like ur still having lots of fun so keep that up and take care!!! Be in contact soon xx
Hello Chris
Thanks for your email this morning.
Looks like your having a quality time mate. I've just been looking through your photographs! Very good.
You should of seen what everyone over the club brought Brian & Mitch for their birthdays... they ended up wearing moulded t*** and eating chocolate cake...
Take care
Alright mate. Seen the photos, you are one lucky guy. Just a quick one to check in. Be safe. e-mail you soon. ash
Ross Langridge
Alright Chris!!! Thanks for the message mate!!! Looks like you're having a wicked time and photos are looking great. Ah the memories!!!! Wish I was back in Cambodia!!! I loved that place, but alas I ran out of time - never mind. As you know I'm in Oz now and making my way down the East coast (at Mission Beach at the mo). I'll keep an eye on your travels and if we're ever in the same neighbourhood at the same time then must have beers!!!!! Take it easy!!!!!
Ken Cox
Hi Chris,this is Ken.i thought i'd leave u a message as my name appears on every other list ever created!how is it all going?we haven't heard from you for a while.Go steady,Ken
Rich Langley
Hi Chris, love the pictures. it looks like quite an adventure so far. Enjoyed your surprize party, it was a great way to send you off. Things are still the same at the printing factory, same s*** just another day. Have fun and stay away from the lady boys!! Rich.
The Earl Of Westfield
. . . for the second time, there is no 'C' in the word speak Joe! Did you attend any lessons at all? . . I bet you take your passport whenever you leave Norton don't you? . . . P.S. thought I'd take this opportunity to let you all know that my mobile has been sent to the phone fairies (no, not Dave Booths house) to be fixed. So, until further notice I'll bid you fairwell . . .
alright mate haven't heard from you for a while hope your ok.
if you didn't no the new england won the super bowl and LA beat the timber wolves by 2 points. never mind hope your having a good time speack to you soon. SPOUT
Hello Schmerty,this is your fellow printing enthusiast here,how is it butt?Hope all is going well on your travels,although i must say the scenery is nothing quite like the sight of a depressingly green Schiavi Gravure press at six in the morning!I shall track your progress,although i would like to see how different cultures pursue their love of printing!Jamer is still a one,he is currently nursing a broken leg!All the best,take it steady,bonjour Mike.
Aunty June
been looking at all your photos glad your having a great time. june & tony
Nice piccies smarty, glad to see I'm not the only one having to get up at 5am, but i've yet to see the sun let alone see the damn thing set!! Looks like you're still having a great time,I'll let you get on with it.
The Earl Of Westfield
. . . well that truly is a shame Zoe. I saw the photo and thought, 'ah ok well, whilst there doesn't appear to be
much happening upstairs, she does have the'THAILAND PARTY TRICK' to add to her C.V. Shame, but hey, onwards and upwards . . adapt and overcome (SAS, it never leaves you) . . .