Leaving Westport it was time for our last Ocean drive along the west coast. Mincing it down with rain we stopped off to see some seals before cranking on with one of our longest journeys in NZ. A few sight seeing opportunities later and we arrived in Greymouth and caught our first glimpses of the snow capped mountains. The agenda was fancy dress costumes. The girls had to wear bin bags and the guys had to go as girls. We had two hours to get the outfits so we were off straight to the Salvo store. After trying on some ridiculous outfits (and enjoying it a bit too much) we finally had our alter egos. Matt was a business woman with a ridiculous bust size, Jack and Luke were 1940's throw backs in their brown dresses, James was a sexy sex-retary complete with glasses the saucy minx, Andy looked like Pat Butcher and Chris went all our slut. A few accessories were also purchased from the dollar shop and we were ready to shake it. Back on the bus and it was off to Les' Poo Pub. This is a pub in the middle of no where with mobile classrooms for rooms but cheap alcohol behind the bar. Tonight was all about bonding. Before the party we hit the lake for some egg based banter to work up our appetite for dinner. This was the first night where the 'crew' was to be extended with a couple of Irish chaps and another Welsh lad Tommo. Before the party however it was time for Les (the 83 year old land lord) to feed us up. With a massive steak, cheese roast potatoes, a roll and some venison stew we rolled our self back to the classrooms to get our pantyhoes on! Tight.
As expected the tears started as soon as the miniskirts were on. The kind ladies next door did our make up and it has to be said Chris was looking worryingly like a girl. Not just a pretty smile! All tarted up we entered the party for what has to be one of the most random evenings on record. The lads taught the Kiwi bus a few games they had picked up on their travels whilst simply not being able to stop grabbing their own chests. Bloody perverts. Some serious get to know you's went on that evening to make the Kiwi bus that bit more embarrassing the next day and some seriously dodgy music was played on the juke box. Absolute stormer of a night though and it didn't stop there. the lads, clearly not experts in the make up removing field, all arose looking like woman still. Ridiculous. Franz Joseph was next on the menu.
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