It is pissing it down continually and in process of building an ark. Luckily we live on top of a hill cos it's all feeling a bit biblical.
Sooooooooooooooooooo proud of you winning a gold medal. Oh my god that is so unbelievably amazing.
I managed to find a computer yesterday to be able to see your videos you tube, the latest sword one, you look very very cool.
Am going to sardegna at the weekend and Nessa is staying here to look after buster and tom so that should all be ok fingers crossed.
will phone you in a week or so when i get back from away. loads of love to youxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hi Chris,
have just read your last blog - great to hear how well you're excelling in these amazing scary skills!!
We were hooked here on the olympics and watched nearly everything - beach volleyball can actually be quite exciting, honest!
The summer here has been dull weather wise, and the usual hectic stuff family wise. patrick had yet another party. enough said. and Mike is now 50!!So a few nice, possibly less drunken celebrations planned for him. Poor old boy!
Lovely to hear all your news. Hope your competition went well
Lots of love from all us smithsxxxxxx
Hi there ' captive Chris'. Have been very slack last month or so with my social mail, but have just read your last blog. Things sound great. Don't see why you should be out & about enjoying yourself. Besides you should be too knackered to care anyway hee hee Good luck with all the sharp pointy things, mind your eyes!!! I have gotten myself a new job. Going into support work with adults who are mentally & physically disabled. Not sure when start date is, but as CRB check has come back clean I am hoping to hear about it soon. Dead chuffed with myself as one application, one interview & a complete change of direction so didn't think I stood a cat in hells chance. Anyway really looking forward to getting back out there. Had mail from your ma; son't want to spoil the surprise; but she has taken up canoeing!!!!! Really don't get why people want to mess about in cold dirty water, but there you go. BIg hugs to you hun xxxxxxxxxxx
hey i found the message thing again.
why don't you write back to us on the message board too?
all's good this end of the world, sun's shining on and off and the easter egg remains intact. blood miracle.
loads of love to youxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Ok, The Egg is now officially out of date. Your choice ............... don't say i didn't warn you! Also it's been very warm so it will be all pale and strange, a bit like we will all look upon your return!
loads of love to youxxxxxxxxxxxx
Big breakthrough news this end. I have been going thorugh the cupboards (mine, not yours so don't panic) and what did i find? An easter egg hurray! So i'm sitting here finally munching on an easter egg and have pretty much finished it in the time it's taken to load this blog up. The hours of agony are over, or put off for a while at least. Do you realise that your egg out of date date is july 08 so you really sure you want to come back to out of date chocolate? Just thinking of your best interests you understand.
Grandad's birthday today so Nain and I are going to eat fish and chips and drink lots of beer in his honour.
loads and loads of love to you xxxxxxxxx
Happy Happy Birthday!!!!!!!19 eh. Wow! All us smiths are thinking of you today. hope you have a few deserved celebrations! Oh and take care of that injury - sounds pretty simiilar to the treatment you'd get in our physio dpt - a bit of heat, a bit of ultrasound , a bit of massage, and of course rest from the aggravating factor!Hope it's better soon.
All's fine here. we had a lovely few days away ( sorry glenys for the pecked foot) Andy graduated in Liverpool - very proud we were. We then had a couple of days in the lake district in langdale, near where you camped with Mike. The boys of course did helvelyn , in record time.lMike's still suffering!!
other big news - Andy is off to jerez in spain, on a commercial pilot training scheme. he'll fly with Flybe. Very exciting!!!!!!
hannah is fine, now working for prestige in town, having learnt the art of silver service waitressing. She had a great last term in swansea. no sign yet of a welsh accent!!
Loved your last blog and all the photos. Esp the you tube thingy too.
Happy Birthday!!
Lots of Love
P M A H and P xxxxx
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Facebook alerted me, and then kicked me out! So determined as I am to wish you Sheng ri quai le, I remembered you too are a stablog user! Hope you have an ACE day. No doubt you got suitably recked last night ;)
Have a good'un!
Ah who needs sun?!
Quick update - your glastonbury mud is still alive and your easter egg is still intact which is nothing short of miraculous.
If smiths are reading this then your cockrel is a maniac. I made the mistake of letting him out with sandals on (i had the sandals on not him!) and he nearly took my feet off.
Hope it all dangling ok me buoi and wil catch up with you tomorrow cos it's your birfdy hurray!!!
loads of love and tell your friend Ro that she's going to look very wrinkly when she's old with all that sunshinexxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Whoops ! well i didnt realise my message was going to go straight on the board and pop up on the sceen like that ! I put my foot in it there! xx
Hey Chris, you look amazing , just been reading up your bloggie thing very interesting! I in OZ 4 another 3 months lots of sailing racing and cruising which is fantastic.the weather is amazing too with hot and sunny days, but dont tell your mum that or she wont write to me again! with love Ro xxx
It's bloody raining everywhere! Apparently it's an exceptionally rainy tme in the world at the moment.
Hey chris are you able to do an update on this blog or does it take too long on the computers you have there?
Right just about to get on a plane and back to good ole blighty, probably just got time to fit in another pizza!