HI All!!
It's been way too long since I last bombarded you all with these messages...!! Anyway, since last writing I have left wonderfull India and spent a few weeks in good ol'e blighty before flying out to Tallin (Estonia) on the 7th June with Jamie!
Since then, we have learned way too much - that is considering we are not the studious university students we could be but have instead spent most of a year travelling!! Anyway, it turns out that Tailnn is not a bombed out shell of its Soviet past (as we had expected it to be!) and instead is a vibrant hub of History (so we are in our element!!) with friendly locals and slightly bizarr medievil festivals. It actually feels like we should be in France or some little walled Germanic town, rather than the capital of one of the Baltic States!!
The combination of this history and fantastic hospitality of Katri and Marina (a coupple of locals from Tallinn who we arranged to see,) who showed us around and helped resolve many a historical debate, has put our 6 week tour of Eastern europe off to a agood good, that we have now seen al the castles, churches and fortifications of Tallin and plan to move on to Tarnü tomorow to sample the Estonian coast line!!
I hope you are well and I will keep you up dated with our progress!!
Best wishes
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