iFeliz Año!
Happy New Year everyone! Hope it was good! We got 2010 off to a good start by breaking the golden rule - Dont mix Mezcal and Beer! So we ended up at a fun hostel party setting bangers off in the streets and Chugging Coronas with Mezcal chasers. We ended up at a party at the Beach until too much Tequila sent Chris over the edge and we had to go home. We were, however, lead astray by the locals as Chris Teacher brought the bangers and bought the Tequila. Lucy was not quite so worse for wear due to the fact she ditched her tequila in the hope no-one would notice. How wrong can a girl be, I have never heard such a tongue lashing for spilling a drop of the Mexican nectar!
New years day was really cool too, we shook off the hangover with an invigorating dip at the waterfalls, a beauty spot, frequented by the locals.
With great sadness we left our friends in Puerto to begin our real adventure. We took the 13 hour night bus which Chris swore was only a few hours to the picturesque Mountain town of San Cristobal where we'll be for a couple of days. We'll be moving on to the Palenque ruins in the photo above then into the rainforest to stay with an indigenous tribe.
We'll keep you posted!
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