hello.. we are in Laos and it brilliant. We are not in luang prabang as it says at the top of this blog we are in Vang Vieng but it is too small for this rubbish site to pick up on its map!
We arrived in Laos about 5 days ago and took the slow boat down the Mekong river to Luang Prabang.. it took 2 days and although the scenery was impressive sitting on a hard seat for 2 days can give you a very numb bum!
Luang Prabang was a beautiful little city.. its the second largest in Loas and has a grand total of 100,000 people living there which is less than Bournemouth. It has the most beautiful temple on top of a very large hill in the centre of town which looks out over the the river and mountains.
We had a swim in the waterfalls just out side of town.. some of the most beautiful i have ever seen. the water was the colour you always amagin it to be, bright blue! We spent most of the afternoon jumping off the top or using a rope swings to launch ourseves into them. I manage to bruse my middle finger so that it blew up to twice it size.. that will teach me for trying to keep up with the boys!
We are now in Vang Vieng.. a small village on the backpackers route. Its most famous for Tubing.. which involves a river, lots of bars with losts of crasy rope swings and death slides. It is alot of fun!!!! Yesterday we spent the whole day jumping in and out of the river from great hights and drinking beer lao (good for you, good for me). BRILLIANT!!!
We have spent the last week or so traveling with some lovely chaps from nottingham. they left today to make the long jouney hope.. if your out there chaps i miss you already! It just makes me realise how lucky we are to be traveling for so long.. its been 6 weeks or so and we have bearly scratch the surface of asia.. it really is a amasing part of the world!
well best be off.. theres a rope swing with my name on it!!
much love
hannah and chris xxxx
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