For some strange reason the hotel has a 9 am check out time, after getting in at 1 in the morning knackered this didn't go down well. We somehow managed to get out of our beds shower in time to wave off Ray and Louise who were heading off to Lima today and then back to Ireland the next. Brid nicked half of Louise's things, how she is gonna get these things in to her already full bag i never know.
We dumped our bags into David and Derbhli room and headed off into town to see the famous cathedral in the middle of town. We stole of the of girls student cards and managed to get in for half price, as it was already quite expensive to get in. Can't say it was that nice anyway. Little kids here must be terrified of jesus, there are heaps of statues of him covered in blood that are pretty graphic, even brid found it a bit weird.
After we left the cathedral we needed to find a hostel to stay in for the last night, we tried a couple right in the centre but they all turned out to be well expensive so we kept looking, we headed to jacks again for lunch, brid got a massive fry which she claimed was good. Bought some postcards and then phoned a hostel from an internet cafe called resbalosa which turned out to be cheap enough and looked ok.
We were meeting the guides from the inca trail tonight to go out for a meal with the whole group. We met at the hotel and headed of to a restaurant that the guide chose. Turned out to be quite expensive and everyone was having second thoughts but decided to stay anyway. The food turned out to be really good. All the burgers/sandwiches came with 2 instead of 1 which was weird, good though as you got tons on your plate and i was starving. Bumped into the drunk irish old guys from the train again and turned out one of them knew some folk brid knows from back home. Booked our bus to Puno for the next day and had some more drinks, then everyone headed off to their beds.
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