We Got up pretty early to get some breakfast before heading off, we only ordered toast but still it took 20mins to turn up, apparently this is pretty normal in Bolivia.We packed all of our stuff on the jeeps and got ready to go, we decided to pay extra for an English speaking guide as me brid and Helen didn't speak Spanish but the German girl did, it was here that we noticed that out English speaking guide could speak as much English as we could speak Spanish. In Typical Scottish fashion I complained and managed to get some money back, although the tour agency turned pretty evil at this point and made the driver pay us back out of his own pocket, we felt pretty bad, and the driver was raging so it wasn't a good start, as we drove off with no one talking to each other, the jeep stopped for a clear the air talk, luckily the German girl could translate for us and the driver told us that he told the agency he didn't have a guide that could speak good English but they didn't tell us that and had ripped us off. So after we had all decided that the agency were a shower of %&$"! We headed off for out slats flats tour.Day 1 - The first hour was mostly just nice scenery, we made it up to 4500m(14400ft) and stopped for some lunch, were we chased llama's around for a wee bit, but being high up it was pretty difficult, even going to toilet left you out of breathe. We turned up at out first's night's accommodation as it was basic to say the least. It was a strange tiny village and we slept in a concrete room which was about -15oC, we were told by a lot of people that it would be cold but it was bloody freezing, I had about 6 layers of clothes on and I was still cold, I even bought a pair of long johns.That night the driver gave us a 2hr long lesson on Bolivia before and after the Inca's it was pretty good and he definitely knew his stuff. He Slated the Spanish at every opportunity for ruining Bolivia, we went to sleep after that, my head was pounding with altitude sickness, its horrible, feels like the worst hangover in the world. Hoping it would go away tomorrow we all went to sleep.Day 2 - I was rudely awakened from my beauty sleep at 5-30 this morning as he said we had a long day ahead, I saved some time getting dressed as I hadn't taken off one bit of the clothes I had on the day before. Firstly we heading off to a deserted mining town that was supposed to be full of ghosts, I thought I spotted on at one point but then I realised that brid was showing off her Irish tan!! My head was still pounding from altitude sickness so the driver gave me some tablets, god knows what they were but they did the trick. Heaps more scenery again today and we went above 5000m at one point. We also got to take a dip in a thermal pool which was 30oC, but because it was so cold it made getting out pretty unenjoyable. Last stop of the day was some geysers, which weren't as explosive as I imagined. They were just steaming/bubbling pools of water, interesting if you're into that sort of stuff I imagine. 2nd nights accommodation looked a bit better, heaps of other people and luckily the other jeep that were travelling near us were a good laugh, 2 perverted American guys kept me entertained. Beds made of concrete had the German quine moaning that I had nicked the ´good one´ mmmn.Day 3 - Got up at 6 this morning and had pancakes for breakfast which pleased brid as she would happily eat pancakes for ever meal. Visited a couple of lagoons which were different colours and some active volcanoes, was hoping for some eruptions but nothing. Good some good banter with the guys from the other jeep, finally got some male company after spending so many time with 3 girls, did some rock climbing before lunch. Started to head towards out next night accommodation, at the edge of the salts flats, it was a hostel were all the floors and tables were made from salt, it was also quite warm which was a welcome relief from the cold. It was some national holiday that night so the Bolivians had a bonfire and booze outside which we were invited to, some of the kids here are mental, they were letting of huge fireworks in their hands and throwing stuff at each other, mentalists!!Day 4 - Last day and we were up early to watch the sunrise on the slat flats. The guide woke us up pretty late so we had to rush but we just made it in time. Headed onto a small island in the middle after where we got to walk about and have breakfast, then heading to open areas of the flats to get the typical pictures people get with no horizon, I had so many amazing ideas for photo's but it was harder than you think, after about an hr I was getting ready to pull my hair out we had taken so many pictures. We left and stopped off at a market at the edge of the salt flats, we arranged to meet up with the other jeep once we reached Uyuni. Overall the salt flats were good, although cold and you have to live like a complete mink for 4days.
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