Our first day in Copacabana and its definitely not the hottest spot north of Havana, it was freezing last night and I slept with most of my clothes on, again!! We booked a day wandering about the Isla del sol (island of the sun), we arrived at the dock to see the smallest boat ever totally overcrowded, we got the worst seats ever beside some smelly Bolivian woman would I think was deliberately breast feeding her child every time I vaguely looked in her direction just to annoy me, and some (sorry ferlay) really annoying French couple took up about 4 seats, she also had the biggest nose ive ever seen.
After 2 1/2 hrs of sitting in a uncomfortable position we were dropped off at the first point, if you wanted you could trek over the island, so we decided to do that, instead of sitting on the boat again. Along the way we were told that the island is the supposed birth place of the Inca's, and that lake Titicaca means island of the stone puma and not "booby poop" as I'd first thought. Our first stop on our walk was a sacred arrangement of stones, we realised just how sacred these stones were to the highly respectful people of Bolivia when we saw the guy who was selling rubbish plastic replicas of the stones on top of the most sacred stone in the middle. but for a cheap cheap price he ´blessed´ them for you too!!!
We were above 400metres again so the trek was a quite hard, we met heaps of folk along the way so the time passed quite quick, we eventually reached the port were brid got her daily pancake fix which without she gets withdrawal symptoms. Another 2hrs in the horrible small overcrowded boat and those French b*****s had again taken up 4 seats, 2 seats for them and 2 seats for there obviously important bags which were tired from the walk. They were also moaning about the boat not going fast enough all the time, well annoying.
We made it back to the hostel and the first thing we noticed was we were both totally scalded with the sun, we forgot to put lotion on and because we were so high we got it pretty bad, brid looked like she had 3rd degree burns on one arm. We booked the bus for tomorrow grabbed some food and went to bed.I didn't last long in bed before I was up puking my guts out, I blame the chicken from the night before, I was in not in shape to be sitting on a stinky bus for 4hrs so we just missed the bus and decided to go the next day, we didn't do anything that day apart from brid ate some food later on, i just drank water and munched tablets all day.Next day I was feeling 100xtimes better so we got the bus back to, again the bus went over the water in the boat but this time we had to get off and take another boat, so we managed to get some pictures.
We arrived in La Paz and headed straight for the bus station to get the bus to Cochabamba, had breakfast in the station which was surprisingly alright. The bus was really cheap so we were worried, it cost 2 pounds for a 8hr journey, we got on the bus and were amazed as the bus was brand new thinking we'd hit the jackpot we left the bus station. The bus annoyingly stopped about 20times before we left the city and on the last stop Jabba the hut poured herself into her seat, followed by her horrible family and her dog!. This woman was huge, she should have been made to buy 3seats, they had tons of luggage, obviously she had the brain wave to save money she would buy 3 seats for her 7 family members, she made the 4 kids sit on the floor, she had a dog with her which we both felt sorry for as she kept it a plastic bag and if it moved she beat it. She must have eaten her own bodyweight in the 8hrs and i pitied the poor woman sitting next to her.
Eventually we made it to Cochabamba and checked into our hotel, the guy at the desk was pretty sound and he told us heaps of places not to go if we wanted to live, nice!! Went for some food and headed to bed.
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