Now then everyone!!!
Woke in Saigon at 7am got our backpacks which we had packed the previous night cos were well organised, and headed to the tour office to await the bus! When the bus arrived debs actually hugged the tourist woman as she had helped us loads and planned all our trips, although i still don't think she was expecting it!!! Got a couple of hours bus journey to the first village where we had some food and some local tea with honey and you could hug a python (once is enough for us thanks!)
From here the group (of about 40 people) split up and got into canoe's holding 4 people and headed through some of the canals which lead to back to the Mekong. This was really smart - some relativley un-tainted part of vietnam where you could see locals going at their daily life!!! Pulled up at another cafe and had some lunch whilst being serenaded by some of the locals with folk songs (Dad-not quite like Yardley's after the walk over the hill!!) after lunch we headed to Can Tho City where we would be staying for the night. Went and got steak and chips and then got put up in a hotel and got an early night as we were up at 6am next day
Got up at 6.30 and missed breakfast, and headed out bright and early straight onto a boat on the Mekong. The first place we went to was the floating market - an insane way to shop. We were expecting a market which was floating - not about a thousand boats, big and small, selling fruit and rice to anyone willing to buy it!! Truly was a sight to see!! Carried on up the Mekong for 2 hours reading and dozing, and got to the rice paper factory! had some lunch back at hotel and the group split as people were heading either back to Saigon or to other places. Our group of about 10 headed off and stopped at a crocodile farm. Pretty nasty place as there were hundreds of crocs all in small cages (see photo's) and even a couple of bears in tiny cages!! Pretty tight! Headed on mini bus for a while and landed at the foot of a mountain. Headed up about a million stairs and got to a pagoda (temple) which was dug into a cave. Pretty smart. Back in the day a muslim nun locked herself in with a Siberian tiger and a King Cobra........... yep you guessed it, she died!!!! After we headed off and landed in Chau Doc -the border town between Vietnam and Cambodia! This place was grim .......honestly!!! everything closed at seven o clock so had some local sweet and sour pork........which was crap - and then went to bed for another early get up! Debs had a party by herself while I read!
Wandered to the dock and jumped on yet another boat, headed for about half an hour and landed at a local fish farm. This was literally somebody's house, which was on stilts, in the Mekong!! After this we headed off and landed at a Malaysian tribal village. As we attempted to set off and head for the Cambodian border...........our boat broke. We jumped into another - which was tiny and headed for 3 hours to the Cambodian border!! The border crossing was the most relaxed place ever - there was a volleyball net , and a nice little seated area. Debs decided she liked Cambodia! Jumped onto a bigger boat and headed another three hours through rural Cambodia. It was amazing that every family along the Mekong, adults and children alike, waved as soon as they saw us!!!!It felt as if we were famous........really surreal!!! The Mekong Delta trip was incredible - got a really good insight on how the people live in that area and how important the river is to their lives!!
We said goodbye to the Mighty Mekong and 10 of us got into a 7 seater minibus and braved the roads of Cambodia!!! I was sat in between two seats with a handle jabbing my ribs every time we went over a rock!!! After an uncomfortable 2 hour journey we landed in Phnom Penh at No 9 guesthouse, which has a relaxed bar, hammoks, big screen for football, a pool table, on the side of a lake.Havent left yet!!!
Lots of love to everyone (hope it's not too cold) hehe Will do a blog from Cambodia soon as the place is great!!!
Missing you all
Chris and Debs xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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