Firstly can we just take a minute or two to say farewell to Thailand.mighty mighty Thailand. To the people and the places, we love you and will think of u most days when we feel blue. Untill next time……Thankyou.
Debs here for nowwhilst Chris chills out with a fag (we're doing all blogs, pics and vids back to back today cos we feel we've neglected u seen as it'll be Feb soon! Sorry!)
So…we finally arrived in Malaysia! Didn't actually intend to go here but my immense planning made it cheaper and quicker to get through to Indonesia! We loved the bus, boat, bus, bus, bus journey. It was really good fun for 26hours. Im lying. Slept quite well though, the overnight ferry from Koh Tao to mainland Thailand is our number one so far. After that we hung around at 5am for the 7 seater minbus to take us to the border for midday. This bit was a piece of cake, the Malaysians are well organised! They must get a lot of Visa runs from Thailand cos it took 20mins instead of 3hours to get our stamps! After that we had a massive well comfy coach trip to 'KL' (if ur cool ull call Kuala Lumpur this from now on please!) and we landed in KL at 11pm! Chris was glad to eventually get off the bus as I was getting a bit giddy and annoying with the close proximity we'd had since the day before! We went straight to a cheap hostel in China Town (was smart street stalls), dumped our stuff and headed to an ATM cos we had no Malaysian Ringgit on us! We didn't know there was a time difference of an hour so after hunting for a cash machine for A WHOLE HOUR (they were all out of order - just what u need after a long journey) a nice taxi man told us only HSBC gave money out after midnight! As if! This encounter was not only helpful but extremely hilarious by the way as Chris approached the taxi driver doing his English thing "hello…..can-you-tell-us-where-ATM…." And this guy came out with the posh-est English accent I've ever heard! Was sooooo funny! He was like " sorry sir, but the ATM machines no longer operate after the hour of 12 so I'm afraid to tell you that ull have to walk to HSBC…its just a brisk walk north!"
Chris again - sent debs to the shop for pot noodles cos she needs a break (she's waffling!) Once we had got some money behind us we headed to the only place serving food - McD's!!!! To be fair after a 26 hr journey we drastically needed some junk food!!! Then we headed to the nearest pub (the Reggae Bar) and had a beer or two!! Then we got an early night as we were knackered!!!
The next day we got our asses out of bed early and went to have a gander at the city!! After being on the islands for 6 weeks the place seemed huge - we felt as if we had just started again!!!! The city is amazing, really different to those we have already been to. Completely modern, really clean and well laid out and organized! Also it has more trees than Yorkshire right in the middle of motorways and skyscrapers!!! And Chris, there are loads of fairy lights on them at night to make it pretty isn't there?!
After a while we got our bearings - got to the nearest tube station and headed to the KLCC - and proper smart shopping centre built into the bottom of the Petronas Towers!! The Petronas Towers are the second largest building in the world and are linked by 'the sky bridge' on the 41st floor! This building is the national headquarters for the petrol in Malaysia but the buildings are incredible (especially at night!!!! See the pics) Tourists can queue up in the morning at 6am to get free tickets for the bridge to see the city….. but we were jetlagged and slightly scared of heights so we gave it a miss!
In the afternoon Debs had been looking at Cat & Kiero's blog and found out that there was an aquarium in KL so we spent a canny amount of time looking for it! Eventually found the place and had a wander - letting debs see the stuff she missed by NOT GOING DIVING!!!! We both had a great time wandering through the aquarium - I was using my new found knowledge to help debs understand the logistics of the marine world….chris the info geek is rife in this blog……who cares…..I FOUND NEMO!!!! Amy in particular check out the pics! Dori is there too.
After the aquarium we headed back to the KLCC and decided to have a quick look around the shops as debs had spotted a Topshop and others besides!!! We decided that if we got a cheap tea at 'King Pie' we could afford to get ourselves a jumper to counter the rainy season we were in!! My turn now; We got to eat proper chips and drink RIBENA!!!! God bless that stuff!!!!!! It's been ages that we've lived on water and no juice! Mmm! And the shopping centre was massive and well smart…..will never visit Trafford Centre after that! Anywho, to wrap things up we went out drinking that night and the next day we had to drag our hungover asses around starbucks and 'Dunkin' Doughnuts' in the monsoon rain to pass time before our evening flight to Indonesia!!!!! Well comfy flight….definatley the way forwards from now on methinks! Don't know if Chris agrees seen as we visited the ATM's 20 times a day cos we couldn't get to grip with normal costs in cities etc!
So that was Malaysia.Great stuff!
Hope ur all well this January…..plod along to the next blog now cos we've got our beer ready for hour number 5 on a Friday night….and it's WELL raining outside! xxxx
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