Now then everyone,
Me and Debs are back to sharing the immense job of writing the blogs today….and we've got a lot to do haven't we chris? So were gunna get straight to the point!
First things first… after Koh Phangan we headed back to Koh Tao to do a lot of relaxing - no drinking at all after Christmas and New Year as we were both alcoholics! So we island hopped for a two hour journey which turned out to be, oh yes - we are in Thailand, 8 hours!!! We were told to get to the port at 11am - so we got there at bang on quarter to - queued up and got refused on the first ferry as it was too full! Glad to hear safety first! All those on two week hols as well as all the backpackers were itching to leave Phangan's drinking culture and get onto a nice calm beach! Anyway, we were sent to another pier to catch the next ferry, which again filled up and by the time we managed to get onto a bloody boat it was reaching 4 o clock!!!
Debs now - I don't like boats!!!!! I don't know why we wanted to get on that boat so badly as it almost killed us. I kid u not! We sat next to a merchant navy geezer and even he looked worried at times! With the rain and wind over Xmas the sea was not very nice and people were throwing up everywhere! Me and Chris were well 'ard tho! Being sensible, we decided to stare at the ground for 1hour30mins so we didn't see the immensity of the waves that were very nearly almost capsizing us! Honestly, it was scary. I even remember saying a little prayer to God cos I was sure we were gunna be gonners! Infact, I even untied my hiking boots (wore them cos they're too heavy for the backpack) ready for the swim if we went in. I love being alive.
Right, so we arrived in Koh Tao and decided to live near the port, at the opposite part of the island to last time we were there. We were wandering about with our bags for a while (both times we got to Koh Tao was a couple of days after the full moon party and impossible to get a room) so we decided to sack it off, BUY A PACKET OF SALT N VINEGAR WALKERS CRISPS -oh yes, and go for a couple of games of pool! Turned out great - the pool hall offered rooms for a fiver with HOT WATER, TV and DVD PLAYER!!! Immense!!! WE normally pay this much for a s***hole and a fan on the islands so this was deal of the century!
Was really happy with the room….. but the owner was a complete tosser!! CAPTAIN NEMO!!!! Ha! Pretty sure he was French, he was a complete control freak (e.g. he wore white pants, a white top and white rimmed glasses EVERY DAY) What a goon! Debs says he was worse than the dragon for those of you acquainted with her 'Pet Hotel' days. HE SUCKED!! Him and his wife also made playing pool a nightmare, we had better silver service than the queen - not welcome as it was highly annoying…for gods sake its only pool!
Right, anyway, Koh Tao!
Went diving, as planned!! WAS QUALITY!! Me and Debs had a wander around the many dive shops but got settled at one called Scuba Junction as it took classes of up to 4 people which sounded good to me! Then decided to do the SSI course rather than the PADI course (they are the same thing but the PADI course was more expensive). I took the three day open water course which teaches the basics in diving and is pretty much impossible to fail!! One bloke (from Manchester) could barely swim!! We went to plenty of different dive sights around the island and, though we didn't see any sharks or turtles we saw plenty of interesting stuff!! After 5 dives, 5 academic lessons, 5 controlled dives (in pool's) 3 nights of studying and many early getups I had an exam. Like I said before it's impossible to fail …CHRIS PASSED 100% THE LOSER!!! After I passed the basic open water course (which allows you to dive anywhere up to 18 meters) and was a fully qualified diver, I decided to take it to the next level and do the advanced course as this allows you to dive up to 30 meters (which is generally where shipwrecks are and is the deepest any recreational diver is allowed to go) and so I can now dive in some of the smartest places in the world. You can go further with it to become a dive master or an instructor which is what some travellers end up doing cos they get hooked on it and it gives them a good job in paradise! The advanced course was only a two day course so we had time to fit it in.
I took 5 specialties out of many - the deep dive, navigation, photography, computer and buoyancy! During these dives there was just me and the instructor so we got to do some pretty special stuff - did some underwater caving where we saw sting-rays and triggerfish (these things are violent! - really territorial fish which will pick a fight with a great white if it comes too close to its home) and also the Japanese Gardens where we saw loads of Moray eels on the photography dive (the photo's will come soon!)
All in all had a proper good time in Koh Tao, diving is immense - now I'm fully prepared for the Great Barrier Reef, the hundreds of shipwrecks in Fiji and of course… the Irish Sea!!!! Hehehe!
Debs' story!
Hello! Well, because we've been in the internet café for 3hours now and we're not even near finishing yet, Chris gave a pretty average account of his diving! You'll have to hear how excited he actually was about it when he gets home! (not after a few beers tho cos he'll talk ur head off about it! Bless) So…while Chris blew hundreds of pounds on looking at fish, I had to occupy myself for 5 days! I decide not to dive cos it can be a bit daunting but Chris loves it! It's his 'new thing' as he puts it. I sat and waited for his tales every night and some of the stuff he learnt and had to do was so professional! Im glad I said no then cos it's serious stuff just to go underwater! Anyway…was quite nice to be alone for the first time in 4 months actually (god has it been that long?!) but I did get bored by the end and wanted my buddy back! Aahhh!!! I spent the first few days being really good and getting up when Chris did at 8 (ish) and after a solitary breakfast I organised the entire trip for Indonesia cos I really want to go there - cheers Chris, the biggest and most unknown place in South East Asia to be researched all on my lonesome! But, by the time Chris had decided to do his advanced course over the weekend……I wanted to play! So I resorted to drinking at night whilst Chris studied (and drank may I add) and struggling with a hangover doing my shorthand articles on the overcast beach in the afternoon! I also blew a bit of money on tack cos it was fun! Note to family, all postcards we've picked up will be with u next month I think, been waiting for the reliable post of Oz cos apparently the Hong Kong ones never reached u! Boo to the Chinese!!!! Okay then, bye xx
SO THAT'S THAT THEN! We left Koh Tao with dark hearts as a 24hr trip awaited us to get to Malaysia….Kuala Lumpur Here We Come!!!!!!
Much Love Everybody xx
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