Hello there everyone!!! Here's the next installment of our trip!!!Right..... after our 12 hour rollercoaster ride back to Phnom Penh from Ban Lung (and yes it was as bad getting back as it was getting there) we went straight back to Number 9 guesthouse and literally did nothing again cos the place is so comfy. The night we arrived back in Phnom Penh the Leeds vs Hereford game was on TV at 3.30 in the morning so we decided to catch a bit of shut eye so we could stay up for the game. Managed to pull ourselves out of bed at 3am, get some redbulls and booze in us ready for the match. WHAT A CRAP GAME OF FOOTY!! Really boring game, we were both quite disappointed so sat up watching films and getting drunk till about 8am!!!After a few more days of doing nothing we decided it was time to head off again, this time to Siem Reap (which literally means 'Thailand Defeated'). Chris, the information geek strikes again. Sorry Chris, well done there. nice bit of history and education i must admit. Buggur off Debs. Anyway, this was only a four hour journey and the roads are all tarmac so was an easy trip! We set off at around 2pm so arrived here at about 6 o clock. We got off the bus and jumped into a tuk tuk and asked for a certain guesthouse, however the driver took us to one where he gets commission the cheeky git. Because Siem Reap is in the 'back yard' of Angkor Wat the tuk tuk driver said the journey to the guesthouse was free.... as long as we hired his tuk tuk to take us round Angkor which is around $12 per day for three days!! We wern't having none of that as we didn't know when we were going to Angkor or anything so we paid him for the tuk tuk ride (whilst he was getting a bit shirty) and headed into the guesthouse! We had a little look around Siem Reap and went to bed for an early night!The next morning we were up bright and early so we could get some brekkie and then head to see some temples! The temples of Angkor are spread out all around the outside of Siem Reap City - literally dwarfing this city itself. Nice use of adjective there Chris, keep up the good work. Yet another bit of history from the one who listens now.... All the temples were built between the 9th - 13th century and was the first large 'city' on earth. Angkor housed over 1 million people whilst at the same time London was a small town of only 50,000 people! How wierd is that! How the hell did u remember that?! u've been looking at google havent u boy!Anyway as usual we both messed about all morning (and moved to a guesthouse of our choice) but managed to find a nice english speaking tuk tuk driver, and set out to the temples at about 2pm!! We bought our tickets ($40 each for three days) and literally asked the driver to take us where he thought we should go! 'Doing' Angkor properly takes some serious planning as if you go to the biggest one first the rest all seem small and insignificant but if you do too many small ones first you can't b arsed when you get to the bigger ones! Naturally the driver tried to take us straight to Angkor Wat (the largest religious building on earth) but we told him to keep driving as we didn't want to see it yet. Saved that one for my birthday dint we Chris.The driver then took us to Angkor Thom and stopped at a place called 'Bayon' (pretty much the second most famous temple at Angkor) which was literally breath-taking. It was such a huge building, so old and literally so smart! The temple was made up of 54 towers with over 200 faces of the king who built the temple! It had three levels to it - you could pretty much get lost in there!!! Check the pics!!After we'd had a browse we went and had some dinner in the shadow of the temple (nice there Chris. sorry.) and then set out to a mountain temple to catch the sun set. I think that every single person visiting Angkor that day had the same idea as it was heaving. Our tuk tuk driver dropped us at the bottom of the hill (can't really call it a mountain) and yet again we were face to face with elephants!!! Getting sick of the things (only jokin)!! You could either walk up or take an elephant ride! After our rural trip through the jungle we were quite happy walking up this time! When we got to the top we headed up some ridiculously steep steps and got to the top! The views were amazing, and when it got to sunset it was just unreal!!! One thing you don't think about though when watching the sun go down is the fact that its impossible to actually look at the sun, so we were pretty much blind for an hour when we headed back down to the tuk tuk!!After our first day at Angkor we headed back to the guesthouse to get showered and changed, and headed out for some tea and a few drinks! We got to a place called Temple Bar (original.... I know) beat a few lady-boy hustlers at pool and then debs bought a whiskey bucket!!! Bad move! So a few drinks turned into a full on night out, we got back at around 4.30am, completely steaming, and was up at 9am for our biggest day at Angkor!!! Clever Debs. Can I just say Chris, that I had a really good night with the dance floor, the cheesy music, and some more female friends so I didn't care if we had no sleep. I even gave some money to the poor kids that were scrounging near the burger van! Yes - Cambodia has learnt the art of supplying the drunk with their needs! Ur meant to feed the beggars and not give them money but it didnt enter my ginger drunken head to buy them some chips at the time. They only eat noodles and rice anyway I think.The big day then......we headed back to Angkor Thom as there were plenty more temples to see, so we headed to the Terrace of the Elephants, and the Terrace of the Leper King and generally wandered around some of the smaller temples in the area, with the heat, with a hangover. After about four hours of general wandering and being generally stunned at the size of the place (coupled with the fact that we had covered about 1% of the place in just under two days) we headed back to the tuk tuk and went to Ta Prohm. As Debs says this place was like stepping into an Indiana Jones film!!! It was incredible, and was my favourite out of them all!!! They were all my favourites Chris cos im a good tourist. The complex of temples was enormous and really was a ruin, which had been overgrown by trees, and roots. Struggling to explain it but just check out the pics!!After what was a really long day we headed back and got an early night eagerly awaiting Deb's birthday!!! HAPPY 23rd BIRTHDAY TO DEBS!!!!!!!!!!!Got up at 4.30am..............Yes that's 4.30am as we were going to Angkor Wat (The biggest temple) for sunrise!!! We were told that sunrise is when you should see Angkor Wat, and it is also the time when there are not as many people there as it can get really busy during the day! The views were incredible, and made more so by the sunrise - it really was a sight to see! We got some of the best photo's we've taken to date from that morning!!! Once the sun was up and we had taken about 200 photo's from outside the temple we headed for some breakfast before going to see the inside. It reminded me of '300' (the film) as it had a bit of a greek/roman look to it, and it was really easy to imagine people living and working inside it! The focal point of Angkor Wat is the 5 towers on top and when inside you could see them up close - really was spectacular!!Debs now, I want to say something 'cos I keep on butting in and it's rather rude! And it was my birthday and I can cry if I want to. Yes, was really a glorious way to spend a morning, as well as it being my birthday. Bit of an early start, but made up by the views. We even considered going back at sunset as our passes didnt expire until the end of the day, and getting a BALLOON RIDE!!!! However, the tuk tuk guide said that it was really busy then and it was a bit expensive. Dont know if we would have gone thru with it tho as were both a bit scared of heights, but the views would have been well good! That's all for now.Once we had spent about 2 hours in Angkor Wat we were ready to leave the temples behind and head out to do some shopping for the birthday girl!!!! First we got some lunch at a place called the Dead Fish bar, which was a crazy little bar. On entering there was a sign saying we dont sell Dog, Cat, Worm or Monkey and the place had its own CROCODILE PIT......... what's that about?? They were massive!! I was just wandering to the toilet and there they were. Behind a fence obviously.Anyway, after we spent around 5 hours looking round markets and shops for clothes and jewellery for Debs. We eventually found what she was after....Chris, u enjoyed shopping with me on my birthday!!! The cheek. Yes, Chris bought me a very nice ring for my! Don't worry, just a normal ring!! Had to replace an old one I've been wearing since college that was a bit of a horror! We ended up paying $50 (25 quid) at a jewelry shop near the Angkor temples (I did some birthday bartering 'cos they were trying to charge us $80) and it's white gold/probably just silver, with a white sapphire in it. Nowt special, just looks right for someone of my old age. After that we bough me a new cap, a black yankee one, a new strappy top, that's nice, and what else? oh, we got Chris a nice FAKE rolex watch! Silver, with a black face and three dial things on the front, suits him very much. I'm very generous you see. And we were getting sick of not knowing the time and me doing my sly checks on other peoples watches as they walked past. After that, it was well late, we had tea around 11pm, I think I ate dog with pepper sauce and chips, and headed back to the temple bar for some celebrations. When we got there though we were pretty tired and everyone else was drunk and the music had changed to hard dance. Bummer. So we decided to sack the night off until tomorrow when we could get an early drinking session in!However, here we go.... the next morning Debs woke me up by complaining about some serious pains, yet again her stomach was giving her some grief!! We learned from Nha Trang not to leave it so we got up and headed straight to a hospital (as we couldn't find a doctors). The hospital the tuk tuk man took us to was literally opened the day before and was of an international standard, really flashy place and really clean. Debs calls it the Hilton of Hospitals. They had free internet and everything! They took blood samples and all sorts (Chris, dont be embarrassed to say that they checked my poop and wee, we're all grown ups!) and within half an hour they had tested her for malaria and other stuff!! They were quick and efficient and diagnosed her with a stomach infection called 'gastroenteritis' caused by unclean food and/or water. She also had a bit of a fever, connected with this, which turned out to be flu or a head cold we think. They gave her enough drugs to kill a small horse and then gave me the bill............$300!!! (150 quid) God Bless the NHS & Travel Insurance!!! For the next two days (note to everyone, yet another weekend spent in with films) Debs was feeling really rough although the antibiotics she was given started to work straight away. We decided to get a nice hotel whilst Debs was ill, one with little luxuries such as hot water, a TV and air-con. You have no idea how much I miss my shower at home after two weeks with cold water!!! U have no idea how bad it is to be ill and have to eat curry soup and have no settee neither!!! Glad I'm on the mend now.Debs has been feeling much better the last two days so we have been getting stuff organised and have booked our bus to Bangkok for tomorrow. We have both had a really good time in Cambodia and will be sad to leave, even though it is the poorest country we have been to by far, the people are definitely the most welcoming and helpful!!! However we are now looking forward to lazing about on beaches and living it up in Thailand over Christmas!! Can't wait to get back to Khoa San Road for a bit of drinking and being able to celebrate Debs' birthday night out if she's 100% - backpacker party capital - and watching the England game tomorrow night (even though they don't deserve such support)!!Hope everything is ok back home - thanks for all the birthday wishes for Debs, she really appreciated them all!!!Thanku for my cards everybody!!!!!All our loveChris & Debsxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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