So it's been quite a while since my last entry, but these days time is just flying by!! Next thing I know I'll be on a flight to China.. wow!
I can officially say that it's 3 weeks today until I'm leaving! So in exactly 3 weeks time I will be sat on an aeroplane on my way to China ( well Hong Kong but we get to Beijing eventually!!)
This blog post is basically to say a massive thank you to everyone who has donated any money towards my year in China and to those who have also donated their time! Thanks to all the trusts, and my amazing family and friends I have managed to reach my target of £5,600!
I spent an unbelievable amount of time looking up charitable trusts who may help me, and it definitely paid off! So a massive thank you is going to them! Also, I couldnt have done it without the support of my family and friends, who have all been amazing! Everyone has been very kind in donating, and I've even had people offer up their time to help with bagpacking and coffee mornings!
Anyway, all in all i couldnt have done it without everyone and i give massive thanks to everyone that contributed in any way to me reaching my target!
Now to get myself prepared for the biggest year of my life..
Until next time...
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