An early start today. 6.30 on the bus to head to Pearl Harbour. A wonderful happy man called Nappy was our tour guide for the day. We arrived at the harbour around 8.30am. Security is a big issue as it is still an operating military base. No bags of any description are allowed through the gates, so we traveled light. We were able to wander through the museums which told the story of the bombing attack in 1942. A short film presentation was moving while informative, lasted about 20 minutes. We then boarded a boat that took us to the Arizona Memorial. We all felt like school children as it is military personnel that man the boat, and orders were barked with military photos at all to be taken whilst on board however you can photograph at the actual memorial. It was a humbling experience. Oil still weeps from the
the sunken ship after 70 odd years. The bodies of those who died remain in the wreckage. Whilst we were on board the memorial an Arizona survivor paid a visit....appause greeted this man as he made his way on board....was very moving. After 20 minutes it was time to leave, hop on the bus to take us to the now decommissioned Mississippi. A guided tour gave us an insight into naval life. Learnt that the actual treaty was signed on this ship that ended the war. A tour of the city looking at local flora and city buildings concluded our organised tour. Then it was off to the beach for a swim....beautiful warm water. Was just fabulous. A cocktail then a shower and we are mow readying for dinner somewhere. Dinner was at a local chinese restaurant. Fantastic food, lots of laughs. Everyone is so happy and relaxed one blows the horn in the traffic....this considered bad manners. Lots of japanese tourists here.....almost see more of them than the locals.
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