Hello everyone!!!
I hope you are all well and had a delightful Christmas :)
Amiee and I spent Xmas eve at the Rio de Janeiro airport and then Xmas day flying to Ecuador.... to be entirely honest, departing Brazil was the best Xmas gift I could have hoped for!
We are LOVING Ecuador so far... the climate is defintely a massive change after the heat and humidity of Brazil which I was loving.. but I wont lie, its rather pleasant to be able to wear my hair out and it not be stuck to my face or neck with sweat within 3 seconds!
The change in prices is very very welcome on our purse strings :) ie. a bus costs 0.25.. lunch is usually between $2 and $3.50.. yesterday I bought 3 music CDs for $1.50... so we are hoping that we can now start to balance out the horrendous amount of money that we spent in Brazil!
We have been to do some sightseeing - we took a look in the Cathedral yesterday which was pretty impressive - no photos allowed though, so sorry homies, you'll have to google it if you're interested! It was pretty amazing seeing all of the history in particular the tomb of Antonio Jose de Sucre who is a really important figure in Latin American history.
We saw a great performance yesterday in the historic centre, a couple guys playing guitar and singing, the music was really nice and so we each got a CD..
We are here in Quito until the 3rd of Jan and have lots of things to see and do - today we will go to some local markets and tomorrow we are going to stand on the Equator yaaay! We are going to head to a volcano... and most exciting for me is the coming Saturday when we will go a couple of hours north to Otavalo to the Incan markets which are the largest on the continent and have been going since forever (ie. pre-dinosaur times... hehe.. actually pre-conquest times..) apparently lots of weaving which I am very excited about :)
Righty-O... we are off out for the day.. wishing everyone a super happy and fun New Year and bestest wishes for a successful 2010!!!
Love to all xoxox
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