Once again I had Aquired the window seat, Marti was not best pleased. Especially having to sit next to another unusual character, leaving Marti with only half his seat left. After landing (at 11:00pm) we caught a shuttle bus to our Hostel we had already booked-Charlie B's. This was it, the Adrenaline capital of the world. Our New Zealand blogs will be sperated into parts, instead of places. We have moved around so much in New Zealand that there is no point writing a blog for each place. After landing in Christchurch and checking in at Charlie B's, we felt it was important that we didnt waste time and booked onto our Kiwi bus right away. First impressions of Christchurch, being that it was known as the English city of NZ, it certainly seemed so. After checking in late at night we felt the first chill of NZ. In our first day in Christchurch we surveyed the surroundings and the Cathedral and its square. The atmosphere of NZ was exciting and we couldnt wait to get stuck into it during our 5 weeks. In our first two days we hadnt really met anyone, and we were still trying to gain our Backpacker lifestyles once more. As free activites for us to do, we visited the Art gallery and gardens. The morning of our travel with the Kiwi experience came, and it really felt like a british spring morning, not as cold i would say but nice and fresh. Something we hadnt experienced in a long while....the jumpers were out, but not for long. As the sun would rise in the day and get us sweaty throughout the day. The first Kiwi bus we had didnt exactly turn up on the dot. One bus arrived but it was just teasing us, as the driver said "your on a different bus bro" a few minutes later and there he was; Diesel. he game though in a crappy mini bus! we were thinking what a load of turd. 8 of us almost filled it- we were like 'what the bloody hell's going on ay?' It took Diesel a little too long until he transfered us onto the big green machine (coach) and we were away. Finally he got on the microphone talked his cool Kiwi accent and told us the deal, he was taking us to the bus we would be travelling in, and the people we would be travelling with, including our bus driver Buzz.
With Diesel we realised how cool Kiwi's were; and as we stopped for breaky he wrote all our tickets and told us all about the Kiwi experience. We passed and visited some spectacular sights and waterfalls along the way until we reached the meeting point for our bus. As we fell in love with the beauty of NZ we became very optimistic of our 5 weeks in this magnificent country.
Finally we reached our to whom we would spend the next week with, and for some people...even longer. On first glance; Buzz could be mistaken for a hardcore bikerman type, but he is really just a cool Kiwi dude, proud of his maori herritage with plenty of tatoosto show of it. he was funny, wise, yet not to be messed with. Our whole bus were sat waiting for us at a services cafe- looking very sweaty from the blazing sun. They would only have to wait longer for us as we collected some needed grub...not a good first impression ay!
As we entered the bus we saw it was almost full to the brim...of backpackers. With the 8 of us getting on we would surley full it completely.
Already everything was looking up, there were more girls on board than lads, Buzz seemed minters and the vibe on the bus was cool. Especially with the guitar playing at the back of the bus.
Soon enough we were getting to know people on the bus...which began with ellie and Izzy. Ellie bless her; was to be Martis future stalker. As I shall explain in good time. Westport was the first stop, and as Buzz dropped us off, our room organised we quickly got to know some of our fellow travellers...Tony the manc, Becki of Scotland, Harriet from Devon, Sarah, Anthony and others. This night was spent playing cards in the glistening sun getting tipsey, with a few beers. We also; for the first time introduced ourselves to the famous 'family'. Five funny and unique individuals who were soon to embrace us as one of their own. Staring with the girls: Linsey and Cherly (Sunderland) and Sarah (near Birmingham). These three started out togeather and met the two boys in L.A. Boys: Luke and Dave from Devon.
You will here alot about these guys once I tell you about the next few days.
Anyways...there were heaps of people on the bus we had yet to know, but dont worry people, you will hear all about them in the blogs to come, with the Danish gals, and the Swedish Gals..ect. Although Quennstown was a long way of, the bungy jump was now less than a week away! and stomachs were churning - aaaaaah! Whilst at Westport Marti indulged into some Fosters (long awaited) and i stepped into the world of NZ's famous Tui beer.
The morning in Westport we all got ready, got out and left early. It was a liitle bit of a journey to Lake Maniphua, where the great poo party awaited us that night!
So guys; here is the warm up blog to our NZ stories. In our next part you will hear some of our fav times so far. The next four or five blogs will include the ledgendary family I told you all about. God you must be excited!!! :) Love Love Love....p.s. Anyone still interested in the web site??? all those in favour write a comment, plz xxxx
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