Now on the bus after leaving Westport, everyone was feeling droopy eyed from waking so early. Buzz woke us as we approached an interesting stop, the pancake rocks at Punakaiki. Indulging into some chips and gravy first, we investigated the interesting rocks at the coastline, including dolphins and seals. The day was sunny and without a cloud, and the journey down the west coast was beautiful, very good sights to see with plenty of wildlife (Kiwi birds) we also got to know our new friends a little more, along some of the walks: Linsey, Cheryl, Sarah, Dave and Luke. Although, Cheryl's foot wasn't looking too good at this point. At one certain stop and walk, ending at a beach, the whole bus witnessed dear Sarah have a bit of a fall.
A wave crashed and came into shore further than expected, it came out of nowhere, surprising poor Sarah who was taking a photo. With camera in one hand, bag over shoulder she attempted chasing her flip flop which was swept away due to the wave. hunting through the retreating wave she eventually fell as another crashed among her. The camera dipped in along with her bag and herself. It may have made everyone on the bus laugh but it did result in a broken camera.! I do believe that Sarah has brought a new camera in Australia however. It was a very funny moment, and at least she was still smiling afterwards. After talking to more people on the bus, laughing at Sarah and seeing the beauty of NZ, it was time to set minds on partying.
We stopped at Greymouth to stack up on bin bags and other things for our costumes. Everybody's creativeness was spurting out, and so was Cheryl's gungy foot EEERRR. As everyone finished purchasing their costumes, Buzz decided Cheryl should visit the hospital and get her foot checked out. We regretably left Cheryl at the Greymouth Hospital, to be picked up later. As for the rest of us, it was of to Lake Mahinapua!!! woo
Once we arrived the owner, les, came onto the bus and talked us through rates and our schedule. He is known as a Legend is les...he is about 80 something and has a mean sense of humor, and easily gets angry for a little old man, If you did anything wrong e.g. get salad before the meat he would be like "What the Bloody hell do ya think your doing aye?
He commented on everyone, saying to me and Marti "You look like a bloody girl with that hair...bloody hell theres more of ya!" very funny chap indeed. Before anything else, we decided that because the sun was out, the beach was a must. Some really annoying ginger kid-geek followed us. I cant explain how annoying he actually was . I think we have some funny pictures of him dressed up-he thought he was down with the homies. His name was Andrew. Our roomies for this memorable stay were two bright and bubbly girls: Kat and Nicky. As we entered Kat said aaaaa! so your Matt and Marti. Anyways, after coming back from the beach (very cold with some surprisingly good waves). Once we returned it was time for dinner. Gradually we were talking to more people, and gradually the ginge was becoming increasingly normish. It was pretty funny how les and his wife would slap more food on our plates even after saying "no more thanks" so i dont know why they bothered asking, they would anyways. After a huge dinner we went back to produce costumes. You know those really funny moments, like awkward aswell.... The ginger guy just wouldnt go away! he was doing his costume in our room; getting very much in the way, and to Kats disgust, he had copied he technique of dressing up, and was well on the well of copying her whole outfit of being a pirate..which he ended up doing. So Kat was furious and in her rage she screamed "OH MY GOD YOU'VE COPIED ME!!! I cant believe you've done that, cant you try and be unique...get out our room anyway!!." Andrew was silent until he snapped back and said "well...well, you didnt invent trousers you know." The awkward silence was funniest; Me and Marti were in histerics. But we had to hold our noisy laughs and sniggering back. He was like "Im not going as a pirate" When he had finished he blatently was. It wasnt long before more and more visitors came to grab spare bin bags and such. We were definately the party room, speakers and all. We began drinking; Me and Marti were staring at our bags thinking of ways to become SuperHeros. Marti's enthusiasm on that idea began declining. After asking for help, our roomies soon whipped up a well good Robin Hood costume. Hey presto, and he did look pretty good-well for just tin foil and bin bags anyway. I sort of stuck with my intentions and went as an X-man. Although no-one really knew apart from the barman (Comic book addict). One point to mention was the realisation that there was a blonde girl on the bus whom looked familiar. It just so happens we met her very briefly in OZ. Well not met her, because she knew Tim and Jamile and Hannah. So we must have seen her a couple of times travelling around the east coast. She came to our room and we were like "Do we know you?" Nicole was her name, and she would soon become a very good friend of ours- A legend. Then it was all finally in full swing. As we entered the Poo pub; feeling slightly aware of how we looked, we were amazed at the colours of everyone. We got some good pics of the best ones.Ordering a pint, the Barman said that the costume party happens every night all year round. This night was definately one of our favs. The whole bus was there, and only two boring people didnt bother dressing up, which still ment like 50 people. ! It was well good. Through the night we again had some more laughs with 'The family'. I cant explain how much fun this lot were. Buzz turned up in a nuns outfit. Very cool, and Daves E.T was definately one of the best. The winners however were Anthonys baby and our room mate's- Nikis cat. Through the night we got to know to Danish girls pretty well : Leah and Friar, and also two sweedish girls - Hannah and Rebecca...and many many more. Once all beer was consumed, and the dancing could be done no more, it got to the point when costumes unravelled and the poo pub shut. To the Lake!! we all headed for the lake and talked, laughed, whatever. Until Luke and Dave proposed Me and Marti join them for a dip in the lake? (Freezing) we were in there for like five mins, and that was all. After getting out we started heading back. One really funny point to mention, was martis stalker. Over the day and night Marti had accumilated a stalker. A young English girl called Elle...bless her. Walked Marti all the way from the party to the lake; from the lake to the dorms. Marti says "she wanted a kiss; i knew it...she wasnt getting one though". I myself was talking to a very drunk Leah (danish). Soon enough we all became tired and most vanished
OOO one thing! at the lake, the annoying ginger Andrew was trying a bit too hard to get Marti in the lake and decided to do a flying kick to Martis nose. It took Marti 2 hours to respond. As he came out of the toilet (before we went to bed) with a bloody nuckle. "I punched the toilet door"... "WHY!"... "because of knobhead ginge" Dave stayed up talking to the danish and Marti got out of bed in the night to join him for a bit. So that was the wicked night. We loved getting to know our bus more, and our 'family'. Next morning, everyone was feeing hungover and not bothered in talking. Finally we left Lake Mahinapua, and was heading for Franz Joseph, where more excitement awaited, and we would be official full members of 'The Family'.
Another done, plenty still to come. Love Love Love xxx
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