Marti & Matt Outa The Shire
Ahhh the second part to our stay at of goodbyes, activites, beer, sport, and gambling....oh did i forget, pure Lazyness, again.
Being Backpackers, Dave and Yvonne may have found it funny, the ways in which we operated, and how much we really were bums. Every morning me and marti would usually get up no earlier than 10:00am, but no later than 2:00pm. Yvonne found it astonishing that we were able to do this, and Dave just found it, well disgraceful. So it was great when on the weekends Dave would stay in until about the same sort of time. Naaa im only kidding he only did it the once. Yet through the week, we completed jobs, finished Blogs, read our books, and so forth, lived like lords basically. The time came to play more football , indoor and outdoor. Forming some good bonds with the two Joeys from footy, it became very enjoyable. Scoring was a regular thing for both me and Marti, and quite frankly I cant imagine how they are getting on now?
Another weekend approached in fabulous Melbourne. After discovering the Crown casino in our last outing with James, we decided to take another trip to the Casino and this time participate. Before we could leave the door however, Big Dave handed us $50 and asked us to play three numbers for him at roulette. to play them over and over the same every time...they were 17, 23 and 0. Once we found a table to suit us, we sat and began betting. I cant remember if i mentioned, but the week before when we came down we were going to bet $10 dollars on 13 and 22, mine and Martis lucky numbers.
Just as we were about to bet some loser, real short norm gets in front of us! and we cant get to the table..."will bet the next one marti says" and guess what comes up, 13!!! we left the table and didnt bother betting god dammit. Anyways. After our second bet with Daves money we win, the ball lands on 0 woohoo, we gain an extra $70 bucks, and only on our second go. What we missed Big Dave say was that we were supposed to put fifty away in our pocket and play only on the winnings. Once we got down to $50 dollars again, we wanted to win the money back, it was annoying. Soon enough we lost it all :( and felt real crap like. Determined to win some salvation, we went downstairs to the poker room, and Marti got $20 dollars worth of chips and tried winning it back, turns out it just wasnt our day :(...At that point Rosie, as in Rosie, Izzy and Katie we had met on the OZ bus with James turned up. ahh, and with her was James and another friend. We drank most of the night with them all and got a little merry. There was some very funny dancing person on the dancefloor, and before we knew it was getting on the early hours. After grabbing a cheeky Macy D's, our thoughts on where to stay the night concluded we should stay at Nomads, as Rosie was staying there. Because we stayed there before, we knew that it would be easy enough to stay in the T.V room.
OO actually this was funny, before we headed to nomads, we kinda lurked around Crown (huge mall sort of place) and sat down at a cafe to have a latte. Some randomer came to sit at our table. He brought a cake he didnt even want and gave half his Pizza away to us awww. was so good. Marti was disgraced at my scaveyness, because I got to that point where you get so drunk you'll eat anything thats edible.
Then to make himself Randomer, he started bringing up real serious and in depth conversations, at like 4:00am. Saying goodbye to the lonesome weirdo, we crawled back to Nomads, well not literally but you know what I mean.
Arriving at Nomads Hostel, Rosie was quite concerned about us both sleeping in the T.V room, yet there was no other way. our last train had gone, and we wernt about to pay for a bed at Nomads, even if there were some to spare. Halfway through our surprisingly peaceful sleep, Rosie said there was one spare bed in her room, which I said Marti could have. Soundly, We both fell back to sleep.
Morning came, and I was awoken at 7:00am by two girls who had come to the T.V room, following a Nomads worker. I rapidly sat up and rubbed my eyes, the receptionist said nothing, the two girls were like, did you sleep in here "uhhh yea, just must have been really drunk" as they watched Greys Anatomy i think it was, I sat patiently until I believed I should wake Marti. Shaking Marti hard, he woke, and we both got ourselves together and split before anyone noticed. Walking out at like 8:00am in the burning sunlight, we made our way to the train and finally back to the Richards Ranch at 9:00am. Yvonne's first word were "Ohh your alive then, I was beggining to get a litlle worried" and straight to bed we went. later we woke at something like 3:00pm.
After refreshing ourselves, and informing dave and Yvonne of our pathetic attempt to gain any money at the casino, the plan to eat out at a very nice gourmet pizza resaurant still went ahead. We headed of into Black Rock, and me and Marti felt weak at the knees after smelling the fumes inside the restuarant. This was a true treat. throughout our stay we had eaten proper meals, and this just topped it of. Realising our peanut butter sandwiches and beans on toast awaited us in New Zealand we both made every minute and crum count. Apart from the food, there was the beer, and apart from the normal beer there was expensive Italian beer. Dave insisted on purchasing almost every bottle of the restuarants finest, for me and mart to taste and consume. For Big Dave....we thank you. At the Richards house, this was the Pattern. Always Yvonne brought and made us food, where Dave would take responsibilty in bringing the beers. In fact one afternoon, Marti and Dave went to the bottle shop especially for a beer stock up, and to chose a wide range for me and Marti to try. Im told, on entering the Bottle shop they enjoyed a hot dog each from some random stall. On the way out, apparently they couldnt resist another each. I was only told this, who knows how many they might of really had?
Getting back to the meal. We had tried plenty of beer, and it was time for the food. Marti tucked into a haiwian Pizza, whilst I took Yvonne's word for trying an Italian ham on top of mine, I forget the name, though im sure it began with a P?
Licking our fingers on the way back, we all whaled at being packed in the back of the car. A couple of good T.V programmes, and possibly films, and then bed... awww.
In the first week of our stay, Dave had managed to get a hold of some tickets for the footy game.... sorry soccer as they say in Australia!Australia Vs Qautar, which would be played at the Telstra Dome stadium in Melbourne. mid week the game approached, Marti and I was looking forward to the game throughout our stay. I was looking forward to watching New Celtic signing, and top scorer Scott Mcdonald, and I think the both of us wanted to see how Tim Cahill would get on, who the Ozzy's see as a God.
Me, Marti and Will would be meeting Big Dave at the game, due to Dave working till late. Me and Marti found it very wierd to be sat in a posh restuarant inside a football stadium. the atmosphere so unlike the British football game. Australia dominated, and got three goals in the first half. A pretty exciting game, and job well done for the Ozzy's.
The remainder of our final week consisted of more fun. More English football games we could enjoy, more good meals, more swimming and Tennis balh blah blah, but the real treat was being able to sit listening to music, playing pro evo, with a cupa and biscuits mmm. We very much enjoyed our last game of footy at training and the indoor footy 5 a side matches. By the way people...If you ever go to melbourne and play footy, be aware of Big dave, the angriest player ever. I never really understood why scousers were thought to be so loud mouthed and such, but my god. Me and Marti loved how Big dave winded up the players and the ref...."every week!!" the ref shouted at our Manager. "Its always something new"...definately was funny to see players get annoyed as dave wound them up also....its a suprise he doesnt get into fights every week....he only means it as banter though, as Dave says. I dont think me or Marti can quite forget the taunt " thats what happens when you wear pink shoes" to some guy with pink trainers. "Well in pink shoes" he commented.
yes indeed, a classic Scouser. After getting back, we never realised Yvonne knew exactly what Big dave is like on the pitch. Oh just a funny fact aswell people, Yvonne supports Everton! its all good rivalry though.
Our last footy training session was enjoyable also. Little but powerful Joey Novella had become a good ausie player we kicked around with for 3 weeks, including the indoor footy. A funny bloke enall, and he told us he would pop around for a drink on our last day.
Another Joey from footy would also be joining us...all Dave and Yvonne's friends you see....such a good atmosphere around Melbourne with these sort of people. After our last footy session we all looked forward to one
of Yvonnes lush curries, Perfect.
Before leaving, we decided for our last free day in Australiia we would enjoy a spot of golf. At Sandringham golf course we T'd off to do the back 9. Borrowing Big Daves clubs, we created backpackers havoc, and lost plenty of balls. It was good fun :)
It was saturday, and we were due to leave the next day. We did some washing, went to the super store and stocked up on toiletries ect.. Big Dave treated us to an Ice-cream, very good Ice-cream it was. We browsed the shops and, oh this was funny. After seeing some Superdry in a shop window, me and Marti did not hesitate to enter. it took some time, but after seeing the cheap prices....well for superdry anyways, we gave in and I brought a pair of shorts, and T-shirt, and Marti purchased a new top also. Dave went all out casually picked tops for himself, Yvonne, lauren and about giving in.
Cider time...Our last day I am glad to say, was spent drinking gallons of Cider, eating seriously good food, and saying final farewells to the the Jolly family 'The Richards'. The joeys came around and gave us all a good laugh with there fake band Osaki-D. The nibbles were awesome aswell, and you cant beat a pint of Magners with plenty of ice.
We left in the 4x4landrover, plated Kopite (Liverpool) with yvonne. Dave insisted getting a picture with the two cars together; the Golf, plated Walk On. A reflective journey to the Airport, a last look at the land down under, and what a time it has been in the land of Kangaroos....we will miss it, but had eyes now for New Zealand, adrenaline capital of the world!
We thank you so much the Richards for having us, putting up with us and taking extremly good care of us, it saved us alot of $, and we wont forget it. The kids entertained us often also, and we hope all the best to everyone. p.s we still havent cut the hair!!
So there you go everyone, another place ticked of, and time for a new Country. You will definately like our stories in New Zealand, because so far its our wallets suggest we had a bit too much fun, Marti i have witnessed, is shocked at how much he has spent, and I however, may not last too much longer, as I only have 150 pounds left :( but one guy said, If you go home early, you know you had a good time, which I may well be saying to myself :( Love Love Love xxxxxx
Being Backpackers, Dave and Yvonne may have found it funny, the ways in which we operated, and how much we really were bums. Every morning me and marti would usually get up no earlier than 10:00am, but no later than 2:00pm. Yvonne found it astonishing that we were able to do this, and Dave just found it, well disgraceful. So it was great when on the weekends Dave would stay in until about the same sort of time. Naaa im only kidding he only did it the once. Yet through the week, we completed jobs, finished Blogs, read our books, and so forth, lived like lords basically. The time came to play more football , indoor and outdoor. Forming some good bonds with the two Joeys from footy, it became very enjoyable. Scoring was a regular thing for both me and Marti, and quite frankly I cant imagine how they are getting on now?
Another weekend approached in fabulous Melbourne. After discovering the Crown casino in our last outing with James, we decided to take another trip to the Casino and this time participate. Before we could leave the door however, Big Dave handed us $50 and asked us to play three numbers for him at roulette. to play them over and over the same every time...they were 17, 23 and 0. Once we found a table to suit us, we sat and began betting. I cant remember if i mentioned, but the week before when we came down we were going to bet $10 dollars on 13 and 22, mine and Martis lucky numbers.
Just as we were about to bet some loser, real short norm gets in front of us! and we cant get to the table..."will bet the next one marti says" and guess what comes up, 13!!! we left the table and didnt bother betting god dammit. Anyways. After our second bet with Daves money we win, the ball lands on 0 woohoo, we gain an extra $70 bucks, and only on our second go. What we missed Big Dave say was that we were supposed to put fifty away in our pocket and play only on the winnings. Once we got down to $50 dollars again, we wanted to win the money back, it was annoying. Soon enough we lost it all :( and felt real crap like. Determined to win some salvation, we went downstairs to the poker room, and Marti got $20 dollars worth of chips and tried winning it back, turns out it just wasnt our day :(...At that point Rosie, as in Rosie, Izzy and Katie we had met on the OZ bus with James turned up. ahh, and with her was James and another friend. We drank most of the night with them all and got a little merry. There was some very funny dancing person on the dancefloor, and before we knew it was getting on the early hours. After grabbing a cheeky Macy D's, our thoughts on where to stay the night concluded we should stay at Nomads, as Rosie was staying there. Because we stayed there before, we knew that it would be easy enough to stay in the T.V room.
OO actually this was funny, before we headed to nomads, we kinda lurked around Crown (huge mall sort of place) and sat down at a cafe to have a latte. Some randomer came to sit at our table. He brought a cake he didnt even want and gave half his Pizza away to us awww. was so good. Marti was disgraced at my scaveyness, because I got to that point where you get so drunk you'll eat anything thats edible.
Then to make himself Randomer, he started bringing up real serious and in depth conversations, at like 4:00am. Saying goodbye to the lonesome weirdo, we crawled back to Nomads, well not literally but you know what I mean.
Arriving at Nomads Hostel, Rosie was quite concerned about us both sleeping in the T.V room, yet there was no other way. our last train had gone, and we wernt about to pay for a bed at Nomads, even if there were some to spare. Halfway through our surprisingly peaceful sleep, Rosie said there was one spare bed in her room, which I said Marti could have. Soundly, We both fell back to sleep.
Morning came, and I was awoken at 7:00am by two girls who had come to the T.V room, following a Nomads worker. I rapidly sat up and rubbed my eyes, the receptionist said nothing, the two girls were like, did you sleep in here "uhhh yea, just must have been really drunk" as they watched Greys Anatomy i think it was, I sat patiently until I believed I should wake Marti. Shaking Marti hard, he woke, and we both got ourselves together and split before anyone noticed. Walking out at like 8:00am in the burning sunlight, we made our way to the train and finally back to the Richards Ranch at 9:00am. Yvonne's first word were "Ohh your alive then, I was beggining to get a litlle worried" and straight to bed we went. later we woke at something like 3:00pm.
After refreshing ourselves, and informing dave and Yvonne of our pathetic attempt to gain any money at the casino, the plan to eat out at a very nice gourmet pizza resaurant still went ahead. We headed of into Black Rock, and me and Marti felt weak at the knees after smelling the fumes inside the restuarant. This was a true treat. throughout our stay we had eaten proper meals, and this just topped it of. Realising our peanut butter sandwiches and beans on toast awaited us in New Zealand we both made every minute and crum count. Apart from the food, there was the beer, and apart from the normal beer there was expensive Italian beer. Dave insisted on purchasing almost every bottle of the restuarants finest, for me and mart to taste and consume. For Big Dave....we thank you. At the Richards house, this was the Pattern. Always Yvonne brought and made us food, where Dave would take responsibilty in bringing the beers. In fact one afternoon, Marti and Dave went to the bottle shop especially for a beer stock up, and to chose a wide range for me and Marti to try. Im told, on entering the Bottle shop they enjoyed a hot dog each from some random stall. On the way out, apparently they couldnt resist another each. I was only told this, who knows how many they might of really had?
Getting back to the meal. We had tried plenty of beer, and it was time for the food. Marti tucked into a haiwian Pizza, whilst I took Yvonne's word for trying an Italian ham on top of mine, I forget the name, though im sure it began with a P?
Licking our fingers on the way back, we all whaled at being packed in the back of the car. A couple of good T.V programmes, and possibly films, and then bed... awww.
In the first week of our stay, Dave had managed to get a hold of some tickets for the footy game.... sorry soccer as they say in Australia!Australia Vs Qautar, which would be played at the Telstra Dome stadium in Melbourne. mid week the game approached, Marti and I was looking forward to the game throughout our stay. I was looking forward to watching New Celtic signing, and top scorer Scott Mcdonald, and I think the both of us wanted to see how Tim Cahill would get on, who the Ozzy's see as a God.
Me, Marti and Will would be meeting Big Dave at the game, due to Dave working till late. Me and Marti found it very wierd to be sat in a posh restuarant inside a football stadium. the atmosphere so unlike the British football game. Australia dominated, and got three goals in the first half. A pretty exciting game, and job well done for the Ozzy's.
The remainder of our final week consisted of more fun. More English football games we could enjoy, more good meals, more swimming and Tennis balh blah blah, but the real treat was being able to sit listening to music, playing pro evo, with a cupa and biscuits mmm. We very much enjoyed our last game of footy at training and the indoor footy 5 a side matches. By the way people...If you ever go to melbourne and play footy, be aware of Big dave, the angriest player ever. I never really understood why scousers were thought to be so loud mouthed and such, but my god. Me and Marti loved how Big dave winded up the players and the ref...."every week!!" the ref shouted at our Manager. "Its always something new"...definately was funny to see players get annoyed as dave wound them up also....its a suprise he doesnt get into fights every week....he only means it as banter though, as Dave says. I dont think me or Marti can quite forget the taunt " thats what happens when you wear pink shoes" to some guy with pink trainers. "Well in pink shoes" he commented.
yes indeed, a classic Scouser. After getting back, we never realised Yvonne knew exactly what Big dave is like on the pitch. Oh just a funny fact aswell people, Yvonne supports Everton! its all good rivalry though.
Our last footy training session was enjoyable also. Little but powerful Joey Novella had become a good ausie player we kicked around with for 3 weeks, including the indoor footy. A funny bloke enall, and he told us he would pop around for a drink on our last day.
Another Joey from footy would also be joining us...all Dave and Yvonne's friends you see....such a good atmosphere around Melbourne with these sort of people. After our last footy session we all looked forward to one
of Yvonnes lush curries, Perfect.
Before leaving, we decided for our last free day in Australiia we would enjoy a spot of golf. At Sandringham golf course we T'd off to do the back 9. Borrowing Big Daves clubs, we created backpackers havoc, and lost plenty of balls. It was good fun :)
It was saturday, and we were due to leave the next day. We did some washing, went to the super store and stocked up on toiletries ect.. Big Dave treated us to an Ice-cream, very good Ice-cream it was. We browsed the shops and, oh this was funny. After seeing some Superdry in a shop window, me and Marti did not hesitate to enter. it took some time, but after seeing the cheap prices....well for superdry anyways, we gave in and I brought a pair of shorts, and T-shirt, and Marti purchased a new top also. Dave went all out casually picked tops for himself, Yvonne, lauren and about giving in.
Cider time...Our last day I am glad to say, was spent drinking gallons of Cider, eating seriously good food, and saying final farewells to the the Jolly family 'The Richards'. The joeys came around and gave us all a good laugh with there fake band Osaki-D. The nibbles were awesome aswell, and you cant beat a pint of Magners with plenty of ice.
We left in the 4x4landrover, plated Kopite (Liverpool) with yvonne. Dave insisted getting a picture with the two cars together; the Golf, plated Walk On. A reflective journey to the Airport, a last look at the land down under, and what a time it has been in the land of Kangaroos....we will miss it, but had eyes now for New Zealand, adrenaline capital of the world!
We thank you so much the Richards for having us, putting up with us and taking extremly good care of us, it saved us alot of $, and we wont forget it. The kids entertained us often also, and we hope all the best to everyone. p.s we still havent cut the hair!!
So there you go everyone, another place ticked of, and time for a new Country. You will definately like our stories in New Zealand, because so far its our wallets suggest we had a bit too much fun, Marti i have witnessed, is shocked at how much he has spent, and I however, may not last too much longer, as I only have 150 pounds left :( but one guy said, If you go home early, you know you had a good time, which I may well be saying to myself :( Love Love Love xxxxxx
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