cut the World in 1/2
About Alex
Today we had planned to do the things we did not get time to do over the last 3 days. One of them was a graffiti exhibition at Moca at Geffen. This is the story of how the graffiti started from gangs as simple names and statements in the walls, it became a train painting culture and how it became in our days street art expression.
Then we …
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New York, New York

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Los Angeles, California
Today we had planned to do the things we did not get time to do over the last 3 days. One of them was a graffiti exhibition at Moca at Geffen. This is the story of how the graffiti started fro…
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Los Angeles, California
Today is Warner Bros tour day. We have booked a VIP tour inside the Warner's studios and watched how films and TV programs are done. We walked inside the set where series are filmed (friends, …

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Alex's first time on a SEGWAY
I want on of those NOW
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Los Angeles, California
The next 2 days are devoted to Hollywood. We visited Universal theme park and we did a tour around their filming studios. They have created fake streets, fake buildings (only the front wall i…
Sam Looks like you guys are having a great time -I'm enjoying your blog and am very jealous! out you drive more carefully than the Segway inventor
re: LA day 4einat This guy wears signs in Japanese for Japanese tourists I assume, that say 'right roast' and 'bibimbap' which is a traditional Korean dish. Actually, since Japanese do not say 'p' at the end of words, it actually say bibimba :) (they guy does not look very happy though...)
re: Funny guy- last visited

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- Athens, Greece
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- Hong Kong, Hong Kong
- Seoul, South Korea
- Tokyo, Japan
- San Francisco, California
- Los Angeles, California
- Times Square, New York
- London, UK
- Athens, Greece
Sam Looks like you guys are having a great time -I'm enjoying your blog and am very jealous! out you drive more carefully than the Segway inventor